Wednesday, April 21, 2010

How To Seal A Concrete Bathtub

cuisine cooking class of 19 April 2010 This year

are now 3 years in Kokura, near Fukuoka, on the third Monday of the month we do the lesson monthly Italian home cooking. We did as much as 19 April.
preparations, as usual, began at 12:50. The lesson is always from 13:30 to about 16:00.

We were in 12, 10 women and 2 men, even if members are 20.

From this month, the menu will be Italian regional recipes, even if we have to adapt with the ingredients and equipment.

- Pizzoccheri
Valtellina - Sausage Calabrese
- Crushed Tuscan
- Rocket salad
- Sandwiches milk

Pizzoccheri Valtellina

150 grams of buckwheat flour
30 grams of flour 70 gr water

3-4 plants spinach
2 potatoes (about 180 gr)

20 g butter 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
garlic, sage, salt and pepper

4 slices of Gouda cheese 30 gr

Mix the two flours and make pizzoccheri. Cut the cheese into pieces.
In a large skillet, brown butter, olive oil, garlic and sage.
Boil the potatoes cut into pieces, when they seem ready, add the spinach into pieces of 6-7 cm, and after a while pizzoccheri.
Drain and pour into pan with butter. Combine the cheeses in pieces.
Mix, a sprinkling of pepper and serve immediately.

Calabrian sausage

250 grams of pork, beef

50 grams of salt, pepper, fennel seeds

1 clove garlic 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
100 cc of white wines

chop the meat with the knife, add salt, pepper and fennel seeds.
Mix well and form the sausage. Keep refrigerated until cooking time.
In a pan fry the garlic with extra virgin olive oil, add the sausage and cook on all sides.
add white wine. Serve with green salad or boiled vegetables. In our case
arugula in my garden, seasoned with olive oil and salt.
Together is one of my sandwiches with milk that I brought to the lesson.

Crushed Tuscan

2 eggs 120 g sugar 130 g flour

70 cc of milk
30 grams of oil evo
1 arancia (succo e buccia grattugiata)
1/2 bustina di lievito per dolci
un pizzico di sale
Zucchero a velo per spolverare

Sbattere le uova con lo zucchero, unire l'arancia spremuta e la buccia grattugiata.
Aggiungere l'olio, il latte ed il sale e, continuando a mescolare, unire farina e lievito.
Coprire con carta forno una teglia, versare il composto ed infornare a 170°C per 25-30 minuti.
Appena freddo, spolverare con zucchero a velo.

Piccolo reportage di foto della lezione di cucina!

Questa volta sono stata molto occupata e non sono riuscita a fotogravare i vari momenti della preparazione.
Di fronte al tavolo dove lavoro io ci sono due tavoli silla destra e due sulla sinistra.
Questo è il primo tavolo alla mia sinistra.

Questo è il primo tavolo a destra.
Per mangiare, eravamo 4 persone per ogni tavolo

Mentre questo è il tavolo principale della lezione, con me e Nobuko c'era i due ometti della lezione ^-^.
Come al solito, ci siamo divertiti a preparare e a mangiare.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Ver Foto De Juste Bibe

"Sakura Matsuri"

Siamo ancora nel periodo della fioritura dei sakura (ciliegi da fiore).
Qui siamo a Tokyo, al "Naka-Meguro sakura matsuri "(festival of sakura Naka-Meguro) of 5 April 2010.

Naka-Meguro is the second stop from Shibuya, the Tokyu Toyoko train line Sen. There can also be reached with Tokyo Metro
This picture I took from the station platform.

The characteristic of this place is that the file along the two shores of sakura gawa Meguro (Meguro River) and form a tunnel of white flowers .

sakura flowers are much loved by the Japanese, there are many people who stops to admire and photograph

The temperature was quite low, but people do not have a problem if they did, were there to nibble some of the many treats sold on the banquet at the edge of the river, but also to admire and photograph the sakura.

The branches reach out over the river as if to embrace the trees on the other bank

The full bloom was a few days before, but the party, as always, took place on Saturday and Sunday.

fact begin to tick off the first green leaves contrasting with the diaphanous color of the flowers. And even
petals, aided by a gentle breeze, begin to fall and fill the surface of the river water.

River, near the town, is only a channel with high walls

The two sides of the river are adorned with colorful lanterns and colorful with lots of writing specifying the name of the sponsors of party and the name of river.

Despite all the chaos created by people passing, some make a picnic on the edge of river.

The petals of the sakura, fluttering gaily, you have gone to rest against the car parked on the river bank.

These two beautiful girls were trying to attract the attention of passers-by in the place of refreshment run by acquaintances or relatives.
It 's a party essential to the people of this nation!