Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Hard And Bloated Stomach After Ovulation

cooking class of 15 February 2010

Anche ieri, 15 febbraio c'รจ stata la solita lezione mensile di cucina casalinga italiana, tenuta a Kokura in provincia di Fukuoka. Eravamo in 11, di cui 9 donne e 2 uomini.

- Fagioli borlotti con ditalini
- Parmigiana di melanzane alla griglia
- Dolcini con albumi e mandorle
- Pane con lievito liquido

Fagioli borlotti con ditalini

200 gr di fagioli borlotti

2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 1 / 2 celery stalk

3-4 tomatoes 1 clove garlic
30 grams of salt and pepper bacon

200 grams of fingering

Ammolite Wash and put in the beans for a night .
Put the beans in cold water in a pan with high sides and cook on low heat for about 2 hours.
Meanwhile fry the garlic, add the celery and the diced bacon and chopped tomatoes and cook for 15 minutes. Combine beans and 3-4 ladles of the cooking water and cook.
Cook the beans and add them to finger her. Serve and grind over some black pepper.

grilled eggplant parmigiana

3 melanzane
1 scatola di pomodori
2-3 cucchiai di parmigiano
2 cucchiai olio evo
1 spicchio d'aglio
basilico o prezzemolo
3-4 cucchiai di formaggio filante (tipo mozzarella)

Sbucciare, affettare le melanzane e grigliarle.
Soffriggere l'aglio nell'olio evo ed unire i pomodori ed il basilico (o prezzemolo) ed il sale. Far addensare la salsa.
Mettere un poco di salsa in una teglia da forno, ed allineare le fette di melanzane, unire 2-3 cucchiai di sughetto, il formaggio filante ed il parmigiano. Continuare sino ad esaurimento degli ingredienti. Finire con sughetto, parmigiano e formaggio filante.
Infornare a 180°C per 20 minuti about.

Dolcini with egg whites and almonds

Ingredients 3 egg whites

120 g sugar 100 g almond flour 120 grams of flour

40 g of seed oil almond aroma

Whisk the egg whites, add sugar in small doses. So with the help of a spatula, mix the ground almonds, flour and oil seeds, and finally, the almond flavor.
With the help of a spoon to fill the paper cups. Bake at 160 ° C for 30 minutes. Drill holes in the caps of
Dolcino and wash the Nutella, sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Bread made with liquid yeast, Sunday night I mixed 200 of Licola very active, 200 g water, 250 g strong flour, 150 grams of semolina, 2-3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil and 1 teaspoon salt.
After a couple of hours I made a few folds, as is done with the dough, and given shape.
Monday morning, around 8:00 I cooked at 230 ° C for 5 minutes and 20 minutes at 190 ° C.
There were the seeds of the tomato sauce used in the beans which I dressed with olive oil and salt, have been very popular over the bread.

Piccolo reportage of photos of the cooking class!

Preparing eggplant

Division of beans. Some people do beat the egg whites and those who look ^ - ^

Fill the cups was a large company, we all have gotten their hands. The problem is that the cakes were different from each other.

But, as usual, we had to prepare unusual dishes: in Japan the beans and the like will only eat sweets.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Opening Prayer For A Debut

When good luck is your friend

Definitely, Monday, February 8 the lucky stars I was a friend, even if at the beginning of the day, probably, that the star was a bit 'distracted.

I know I am not very clear, so I'm going to tell:
Every week on Monday afternoon, for reasons of work, I go to Kokura, a city which is about 80-90 km from Fukuoka, a city where I live. Therefore, every Monday I take the train arriving at 15:10 and 16:10.
Yesterday, February 8 in the morning I had commitments in the center, not to return home and then take the train as usual, I preferred to take the bus that makes the highway, which makes fewer stops than the train, it takes the same time of the train and that is quite cheap. This bus, unfortunately, does not pass from the vicinity of my house, why not take it almost never.

I got off the bus stop the Kokura train station and I walked into the store Collet, opposite the station, waiting for the start of work (I was a little in advance).
I touch your back pocket and I realize that there was the phone that I had put in that pocket to feel the vibration when a call (I had removed the feature because the ring in public transportation is strongly advised not to disturb the other passengers with rings and talk aloud).

Moment of panic: What am I doing? How do I move? Where do I go? In less than an hour they were working, I'll have time to recover? I must return again to this city to recover the phone? Etc. ....?

Back to the bus stop and expose my problem to the clerk of the information office of the transport company, which calls for their lost property office is located at the terminus, two stops later I was the one where I fell.

tells me that the phone had been found.
INCREDIBLE, just 10 minutes had passed since I fell.

The clerk tells me how to reach the lost, the mind that I do not know very well there. Then he tells me to get on the bus was coming and went to alert the driver to show me where I go to retrieve the phone.
At the terminus the driver, seeing my gesture to pay the fare (that's how bus), tells me that there was no need to pay the ticket because I was only there to retrieve a lost item, and then shows me the place where I had to wait for him to accompany me to 'office.
And so, after 20 minutes I was dropped from the first bus, I was able to regain possession of my lost item

Without being an expert in horoscopes, I can say that yesterday was a day for my zodiac sign (Leo).
Thank goodness that everything is done in the best way.