States General Sports
"Sport in Florence is full of companies, projects, people with great qualities, it is a bit 'less full of money and facilities. Within the first hundred days will convene the States-General of Sports in Florence to enhance the work of thousands of volunteers passionate and tenacious. " So runs the point number 73 of "100 things for the first 100 days of the election program of the Mayor Matthew Renzi. And to give effect to this point, the Councillor for Sport Barbara Cavandoli today unveiled the States-General of Sports in Florence, scheduled Oct. 10 in the Palazzo Vecchio.
Four themes will be developed in as many workshops (located in Meeting Room, Hall of Miniatures, Sala degli Otto, Salone de’ Dugento e, per le sessioni plenarie, nel Salone dei Cinquecento): il ruolo sociale dello sport; la dimensione economica e l’organizzazione dello sport; il volontariato e la cittadinanza attiva attraverso lo sport; i luoghi dello sport.
“Mantenendo l’impegno assunto e con l’obiettivo di valorizzare la ricchezza del tessuto associativo e di volontariato della città – ha spiegato l’assessore Cavandoli – l’assessorato allo sport convoca gli Stati Generali per il 10 ottobre nel luogo più rilevante e simbolico della città: Palazzo Vecchio. Verranno invitati a partecipare le associazioni e le società sportive, gli Enti di Promozione Sportiva, il CONI, Federations, associations and individuals interested in volunteering. All the sports world, both the professional and amateur, including donors and those who run businesses related to sport. "
The organizational structure is designed to listen to the speakers after a short introduction in plenary, in fact, the participants will be divided into four thematic groups that will discuss suggestions and proposals expressed also by analyzing the weaknesses of the sports system. The final session, again in plenary, will see the return of the working groups and a brief final analysis.
"The results - the councilor added Cavandoli - represent a richness and a contribution to the program office. This event represents the first time a general policy of close relationships and contact with the sport of Florence, a strategy of active listening that my department considers it a priority. "
Some lines of the program are clear, however. The City of Florence plans to take the definition of sport adopted by the Council of Europe: "any form of physical activity which, through casual or organized participation, aim at expressing or improving physical and mental development of social relationships, where the sport should take a leading role and, not least, obtaining results in competition at all levels. "
"Sport which aims to promote the City of Florence - said the commissioner Cavandoli - goes in the direction of sustainability in all areas: event organization, management and construction of facilities, attention to educational and organizational structure does not foreclosure combat neglect and promote active lifestyles. One of the main references will be the 'White Paper on Sport', published by the European Commission in 2007 that will DATRA equal attention to the social role of sport, its economic and organizational aspects. "
The application form (participation is free) will be delivered to federations, sports promotion bodies, sports clubs, civic associations and downloadable should be sent out by fax at 055-2768344 or e-mail address statigeneralidellosport @ or hand delivered to the secretary for sport Councillor of the Municipality of Florence (Palazzo Vecchio, 3rd floor, from 9 to 17:30) by October 2. For information: City of Florence 055,055. (Fd)
This is the program of the day:
8.30: Registration and delivery of leaflets and educational material (Salone dei Cinquecento) 9-09.15
: Welcome to participants (Hall of the sixteenth century);
9:15 to 9:45: Introduction and presentation of the workshop (Salone dei Cinquecento)
9.45-10: establishment of working groups in the 4 assembly halls;
10-11.15: Workshop (Part One) - group work;
11:15 to 11:30: interval;
11.30-12.30: workshops (second part) - group work;
12:45 to 13:45: Presentation of the projects of individual working groups;
13.45-14: concluding remarks and closure of work (Salone dei Cinquecento )