cooking class of 20 December 2010
As we do every third Monday of the month, also on December 20 we made the monthly Italian home cooking lesson in Kokura, near Fukuoka.
preparations, as usual, began at 12:50. The lesson began at 13:30 and ended around 16:30. There were 11 women and 2 men.
We had a lot to do what I thought of not being able to finish everything on time.
Luckily I got an insight during the preparation of the cannelloni, I said we could train cannelloni senza far bollire la pasta all'uovo appena fatta.
Se non avessi avuto questa idea non avremmo fatto in tempo a preparare tutto prima della fine dell'orario stabilito, e per di più il sapore non ne ha risentito assolutamente, anzi erano ottimi, meno male ^-^!
Stiamo cercando di realizzare ricette regionali, anche se non sempre le attrezzature e gli ingredienti sono
i più idonei. Le quantità sono per 6 persone.
- Cannelloni ripieni di carne
- Petto di pollo farcito
- Porcedduzzi
Cannelloni ripieni di carne
130 gr di farina
1 egg 100 grams of ground beef 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
40 cc of white wine 10 grams of dried mushrooms 3 tablespoons Parmesan
30 g butter 400 cc of broth
salt and cream cheese
nutmeg Soak the dried mushrooms in warm water. Sauté the ground beef with 1 tablespoon oil. Deglaze with white wine. Allow to cool.
Wash the soaked mushrooms and fry with a little oil, chop and add them to the ground with 1 tablespoon Parmesan cheese, salt and nutmeg. Keep aside.
In a pan fry the butter with 30 grams of flour, add the vegetable broth, a bit 'of nutmeg and thicken the sauce. Season with salt.
Mix 100 grams of flour with the egg and salt, cover with a bowl and let stand for 30 minutes.
Roll out the dough and cut the rectangle of 8x9 cm, * cook in boiling salted water with a little oil, and let them dry on a towel (* this part we have omitted for lack of time).
Place each rectangle on a little dressing and cream cheese and wrap the short side and aligned in a pan covered with parchment paper. Pour over the bechamel sauce and sprinkle the Parmesan cheese. Bake in oven at 230 ° C for 15 minutes.
Stuffed chicken breast
1 chicken breast 300 g
20 g peas 40 g of boiled mushrooms
1 / 2 small onion 1 zucchini
1 / 2 teaspoon capers
10 g butter 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
30 cc of white wine 1 clove garlic
100 cc of broth
vegetable salt, pepper, parsley 2 tomatoes
Cut the vegetables into cubes and sauté with capers for 15 minutes on medium heat with butter. Season with salt and pepper, deglaze with white wine.
Remove the chicken skin, drawing and then cut into the thickest part, to widen the pocket without tearing.
Salt lightly and put in the inside half of the vegetables, close the mouth and tie with wire to roast salare e pepare.
In una padella mettere l'olio evo ed uno spicchio di aglio e far rosolare il pollo da tutti i lati, sfumare con il restante vino ed aggiungere il brodo vegetale. Far cuocere a fuoco medio per 20 minuti circa. Togliere l'aglio ed unire i pomodori tagliati a dadini e le verdure avanzate, un poco di prezzemolo e far cuocere per 10 minuti.
Tagliare a fette il petto di pollo e servire con le verdure soffritte.
100 gr di farina
30 gr di olio evo
30 gr di vino bianco
15 gr di zucchero
1/2 cucchiaino di cannella
buccia di limone
olio per friggere
Per guarire
syrup of figs (or honey)
candied fruit
cinnamon In a saucepan heat the extra virgin olive oil with the lemon peel, do not fade much. Remove from heat and discard lemon peel.
Sift flour and add sugar and cinnamon, to the fountain and pour the oil flavored with lemon, white wine and stir.
Knead with your hands and form a ball, let it rest for 30 minutes.
All Hungarian sticks as thick as my little finger and cut about 2 cm pieces and hollow as it does with the gnocchi.
Fry in hot oil, let them dry on paper towels.
Heat syrup figs (or honey) and blend in the porcedduzzi.
Sprinkle with cinnamon and candied fruit.
One of the ladies brought these almond cookies covered with powdered sugar, while another has brought some tea bags with flowers and we have also prepared excellent tea, everything was very good.
************************************************ ************************************************** ********************* Ed
it's time to eat!
view from my desk, this is the table on the left.
This table right
And this is my station!
With me there are always two bold young men and my assistant Nobuko.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Foods To Eat If You Have Sigmoid Bowel Cancer
Wavves - "Post Acid"
Wavves, Genius at work with the second single from "King of the Beach"
Wavves, Genius at work with the second single from "King of the Beach"
Yoga After Gb Surgery
Miles Kane - Come Closer
by Messi The Rascals postponed until a later date and the project The Last Shadow Puppets Alex Turner shared with the Arctic Monkeys, Miles Kane has embarked on a solo career, as always with class and excellent technique that distinguishes him.
not to be missed for those who are British territory, and for those of us who do not want to miss, the appointment of January 22, 2011 at BarFly in Camden Town for the event organized by Xfm that follows by one day the release of the first recording artist.
by Messi The Rascals postponed until a later date and the project The Last Shadow Puppets Alex Turner shared with the Arctic Monkeys, Miles Kane has embarked on a solo career, as always with class and excellent technique that distinguishes him.
not to be missed for those who are British territory, and for those of us who do not want to miss, the appointment of January 22, 2011 at BarFly in Camden Town for the event organized by Xfm that follows by one day the release of the first recording artist.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Collapsable Mast 30feet
Mini-week game MAXY FUN! Part
( dal libro "Mini Rugby" chi, cosa, dove, quando, perche' di Paolo Piersanti )
From 7 to 15 years, at any age 'its rules.
To download the rules click below:
Regolamento Mini Rugby
( dal libro "Mini Rugby" chi, cosa, dove, quando, perche' di Paolo Piersanti )
From 7 to 15 years, at any age 'its rules.
Cosi 'known as a satellite broadcaster has prepared in connection with the recent World Cup, a game in regulation of pills for a more' immediate and easy to understand of its viewers, even in this book could not miss a sort of ad hoc rules, summarized and essential. To this I added the closing of our journey into Mini Rugby in the regulation drafted by the Child Study Center of the FIR, which describes all changes to the playing rules for various categories of young and young people aged 7 to 15 years. Moreover, as regards the categories under 7 and under 9, this sort of mini Regulation gives the sidelines of each rule also eloquent teaching notes that justify the change to the original rule. Basically, the goal of the game is to bring the ball over the goal line and crush the enemy on the ground thus marking 'a "goal." The team that wins a "meta" has the right to make a transformation (with a kick which will have 'hit the door by the form to H. Who has the ball can' be stopped with a 'tackle' by the team opponent, but the second 'very precise rules, the most' important of which prohibits the neck plate. Ma e' opportuno sottolineare che, rispetto al gioco vero e proprio, per i nostri bambini non vi sono le porte; infatti, si possono segnare punti solo portando la palla in meta. Ancor piu' nello specifico, nelle prime categorie, under 7 e under 9, non e' prevista la mischia ordinata come momento di ripresa del gioco, ne la rimessa laterale denominata "touch" (vedi il regolamento), ma si puo' giocare la palla solo con le mani. E' solo dalle categorie under 11 e under 13 che viene inserita la "mischia", pur senza spinta, insieme alla "touch" ma senza sostenere o innalzare i giocatori (potrebbe essere pericoloso per la schiena dei piccoli atleti), e la palla puo' iniziare ad essere calciata con i piedi, ma sempre con alcune precise limitations. To better understand the subdivisions of the junior categories, take for example the stable outlook for the 2007/2008 season: Under 7 - born in 2001. Under 9 - born in 1999 and 2000. Under 11 - born in 1997 and 1998. Under 13 - born in 1995 and 1996.
To download the rules click below:
Mini Rugby Regulations 2009/2010
school and area links Promotion to the official website of the Italian Rugby Federation
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Family Naturism Im America
Dropkick Murphys - Longtail - live in Naples at Duel Beat 08/12/2010
outstanding performance of TARM back to Naples after a long absence.
three hour concert in which Toffolo & Associates trace with their fans all the best of their discography thick alternating tracks of "Future Primitive" and telling their "stories" that unite this nation to "shoe-shaped."
outstanding performance of TARM back to Naples after a long absence.
three hour concert in which Toffolo & Associates trace with their fans all the best of their discography thick alternating tracks of "Future Primitive" and telling their "stories" that unite this nation to "shoe-shaped."
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Sterowniki Logitech Eye Toy
Judi Chicago - Fun City (long cut)
The new sensation is from Atlanta. Electroindiefunk.
The new sensation is from Atlanta. Electroindiefunk.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Stream Southpark For Iphone
Klaxons - Echoes
Primo singolo estratto da "Surfing The Void", secondo lavoro discografico dei pionieri del nu-rave. In concerto a Milano, il 2 dicembre ai Magazzini Generali.
Primo singolo estratto da "Surfing The Void", secondo lavoro discografico dei pionieri del nu-rave. In concerto a Milano, il 2 dicembre ai Magazzini Generali.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Bible Quotes For Housewarming
mini rugby parish MARSALA
O I win or I'm not worth anything
Winning does it mean? Beat an opponent, overcome their limitations, but also overcome the difficulties. In life and in sport.
A championship can be lost even for a last minute, and you lost. This does not mean you're a loser.
Although life is not a championship, even in life you can lose and little, without being a loser.
From sport then we can draw some lessons. It may be the gym of life?
Sport can teach us to win as to lose. Sport is gaming and racing and competition should not be afraid of itself is not harmful to children, the players there is in life, we must be prepared to do things right, to give relief to property and even decisive for the sport dettagli.Lo should teach us to lose. You can not always win and the sport knows, knows that winning is always a rare exception, the rule is that the swing of the results.
before the defeat there will sometimes not? So it is important to know how to lose. Without alibi. Without saying "it is the fault of the referee, we are unlucky, it is the fault of a partner, the coach, the managers". Let's say: "The opponent was più forte di noi, punto e basta”.
Accettare la sconfitta è il primo passo per costruire la prossima vittoria.
Cerchiamo di vincere il più possibile, lealmente, divertendoci, ma non pensiamo che lo sport, e poi la vita, ci divide in vincenti e perdenti. Al più ci dividerà in brave persone e persone che non meritano. Ma questa è un’altra cosa.
Ora pensiamo a quanto è successo domenica scorsa, nello sport più popolare del mondo, il calcio. Alla fine di una partita la squadra che ha perso si dispone su due file e rende omaggio all’avversario. Una notizia da prima pagina: sanno perdere, ed è un gioco!
Ragazzi, genitori… l'immagine che pubblichiamo sopra testimonia a scene that we see every Sunday on the fields of mini rugby, let us not forget that this is one of the most important game of rugby and that ends only with a sincere handshake and a third time. Otherwise
was "other" ...
O I win or I'm not worth anything
Winning does it mean? Beat an opponent, overcome their limitations, but also overcome the difficulties. In life and in sport.
A championship can be lost even for a last minute, and you lost. This does not mean you're a loser.
Although life is not a championship, even in life you can lose and little, without being a loser.
From sport then we can draw some lessons. It may be the gym of life?
Sport can teach us to win as to lose. Sport is gaming and racing and competition should not be afraid of itself is not harmful to children, the players there is in life, we must be prepared to do things right, to give relief to property and even decisive for the sport dettagli.Lo should teach us to lose. You can not always win and the sport knows, knows that winning is always a rare exception, the rule is that the swing of the results.
before the defeat there will sometimes not? So it is important to know how to lose. Without alibi. Without saying "it is the fault of the referee, we are unlucky, it is the fault of a partner, the coach, the managers". Let's say: "The opponent was più forte di noi, punto e basta”.
Accettare la sconfitta è il primo passo per costruire la prossima vittoria.
Cerchiamo di vincere il più possibile, lealmente, divertendoci, ma non pensiamo che lo sport, e poi la vita, ci divide in vincenti e perdenti. Al più ci dividerà in brave persone e persone che non meritano. Ma questa è un’altra cosa.
Ora pensiamo a quanto è successo domenica scorsa, nello sport più popolare del mondo, il calcio. Alla fine di una partita la squadra che ha perso si dispone su due file e rende omaggio all’avversario. Una notizia da prima pagina: sanno perdere, ed è un gioco!
Ragazzi, genitori… l'immagine che pubblichiamo sopra testimonia a scene that we see every Sunday on the fields of mini rugby, let us not forget that this is one of the most important game of rugby and that ends only with a sincere handshake and a third time. Otherwise
was "other" ...
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Top Rated Mini Dv Prosumer Camcorders
cooking class of 15 November 2010
As we do every third Monday of the month, yesterday, November 15, we did the lesson monthly
Italian home cooking in Kokura, near Fukuoka.
preparations, as usual, began at 12:50. The lesson began at 13:30 and ended around 16:30. We
11 women and 2 men, and as always we enjoyed very much.
We are trying to achieve regional recipes, though not always the equipment and ingredients are the most suitable
. Quantities are for 6 people.
- Casonsei
- stewed pork chops
- Schissotto
- salad dressing with anchovies and sundried tomatoes
100 grams of flour 1 egg 120 gr
ground beef 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
40 cc of white wine 4 tablespoons bread crumbs 3 tablespoons Parmesan
1 / 2 egg
garlic parsley and sage
30 g butter salt
Fry in oil ages the ground, when it is dry, deglaze with the wine and let evaporate.
Cool, then add 2 tablespoons of Parmesan cheese and breadcrumbs, half an egg, grated garlic and parsley chopped by hand. Adjust salt.
Mix the flour and the egg with salt and water, if needed. Cover with a bowl and let stand for 30 minutes. Roll out the dough and cut into disks of 6 cm in diameter.
Put on every penalty with a little seasoning of meat, close to the book and press the edges, bend casonsei moon shaped. Cook in boiling salted water.
Meanwhile, melt the butter and add sage. Drain the casonsei and pass them in butter and sage. Sprinkle with parmesan.
pork chops in sauce and salad dressing with anchovies and sundried tomatoes
12 pork chops
200 g tomatoes
150 cc of white wine 2 cloves of garlic, plenty of rosemary, salt and pepper
Remove the excess fat in the chops, mince the garlic and rosemary, salt and pepper.
Rub the mixture over the chops and let stand for at least 2 hours, preferably longer. Place the chops in a
pan and add the wine, turning the chops occasionally, and cook over low heat until the wine evaporates (1 hour).
Add tomatoes and a little water and cook for another 40 ~ 50 minutes. Season with salt.
Wash the lettuce, drain well and add an hour before dressing prepared with olive oil, anchovies and sundried tomatoes cut into strips. Check for salt.
250 g flour 3 g dry yeast
140 ~ 150 g of water
15 grams extra virgin olive oil 1 / 2 teaspoon salt to taste
With spoon, stir flour, baking powder, oil, and add, little by little water and salt.
Put the dough in an oiled bowl and cover with a damp cloth.
Let rise in warm place for 2 hours, until doubled.
On a floured with semolina, work the dough for 5 ~ 10 minutes.
Roll out the dough to 2 cm, place on baking paper and shape oval. With a spatula, cut the diamonds on the surface and cover with wet cloth.
At this point, turn on the oven and when it reaches 170 ° C cook for 40 minutes.
It can be prepared the day before, just warm in the oven before eating.
************************************************ ************************************************** *********************
And it's time to eat!
Viewed from the main table, this is the table on the left.
This table right
And this is the main table, my!
With me there are always two bold young men and my assistant Nobuko, a very smart woman.
As we do every third Monday of the month, yesterday, November 15, we did the lesson monthly
Italian home cooking in Kokura, near Fukuoka.
preparations, as usual, began at 12:50. The lesson began at 13:30 and ended around 16:30. We
11 women and 2 men, and as always we enjoyed very much.
We are trying to achieve regional recipes, though not always the equipment and ingredients are the most suitable
. Quantities are for 6 people.
- Casonsei
- stewed pork chops
- Schissotto
- salad dressing with anchovies and sundried tomatoes
100 grams of flour 1 egg 120 gr
ground beef 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
40 cc of white wine 4 tablespoons bread crumbs 3 tablespoons Parmesan
1 / 2 egg
garlic parsley and sage
30 g butter salt
Fry in oil ages the ground, when it is dry, deglaze with the wine and let evaporate.
Cool, then add 2 tablespoons of Parmesan cheese and breadcrumbs, half an egg, grated garlic and parsley chopped by hand. Adjust salt.
Mix the flour and the egg with salt and water, if needed. Cover with a bowl and let stand for 30 minutes. Roll out the dough and cut into disks of 6 cm in diameter.
Put on every penalty with a little seasoning of meat, close to the book and press the edges, bend casonsei moon shaped. Cook in boiling salted water.
Meanwhile, melt the butter and add sage. Drain the casonsei and pass them in butter and sage. Sprinkle with parmesan.
pork chops in sauce and salad dressing with anchovies and sundried tomatoes
12 pork chops
200 g tomatoes
150 cc of white wine 2 cloves of garlic, plenty of rosemary, salt and pepper
Remove the excess fat in the chops, mince the garlic and rosemary, salt and pepper.
Rub the mixture over the chops and let stand for at least 2 hours, preferably longer. Place the chops in a
pan and add the wine, turning the chops occasionally, and cook over low heat until the wine evaporates (1 hour).
Add tomatoes and a little water and cook for another 40 ~ 50 minutes. Season with salt.
Wash the lettuce, drain well and add an hour before dressing prepared with olive oil, anchovies and sundried tomatoes cut into strips. Check for salt.
250 g flour 3 g dry yeast
140 ~ 150 g of water
15 grams extra virgin olive oil 1 / 2 teaspoon salt to taste
With spoon, stir flour, baking powder, oil, and add, little by little water and salt.
Put the dough in an oiled bowl and cover with a damp cloth.
Let rise in warm place for 2 hours, until doubled.
On a floured with semolina, work the dough for 5 ~ 10 minutes.
Roll out the dough to 2 cm, place on baking paper and shape oval. With a spatula, cut the diamonds on the surface and cover with wet cloth.
At this point, turn on the oven and when it reaches 170 ° C cook for 40 minutes.
It can be prepared the day before, just warm in the oven before eating.
************************************************ ************************************************** *********************
And it's time to eat!
Viewed from the main table, this is the table on the left.
This table right
And this is the main table, my!
With me there are always two bold young men and my assistant Nobuko, a very smart woman.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Fan Electricity Usage
Hechima tonic water (Luffa)
Hechima (in Italy known as luffa ) is a plant that you do not throw anything (like a pig ^ - ^) E
'annual climbing plant. In the spring, just plant some seeds contained in the large pumpkin to create new plants.
Both young and squash flowers are edible. In Japan it is used mostly in the southern island of Kyushu and Okinawa islands, is eaten in tenpura, boiled, grilled or in soup with miso.
I've never eaten the next year I'll try ^ - ^!
A noi, della pianta, interessa la spugna che si ricava dalle zucche essiccate (mi dispiace ma non ho ancora la foto della spugna, sta essiccando e serve del tempo. La si può vedere qui ) ed il liquido che sgorga dai rametti recisi che viene incanalato nelle bottiglie che raccoglieranno la preziosa linfa. La bottiglia della foto sottostante si è riempita in 24 ore circa.
Da questo liquido, mescolato con alcuni ingredienti, si ricava un'ottima acqua tonica home made.
Su ja.wikipedia/org c'è scritto che il liquido è un ottimo medicamento per tosse, eruzioni cutanee, screpolature, scottature ma anche un diuretico naturale per i gonfiori. Dato che come medicamento unpreserved (the liquid is only boiled, filtered and kept in the fridge), is highly perishable. Instead
to have the tonic needed to Hechima:
1,200 ml of water Hechima
120 ml of ethanol 60 ml of glycerin
6 grams of boron
7 drops of essence (we lavender essence)
Heat at 37 ° C water Hechima and mix well with other ingredients.
Transfer into sterilized bottles and keep well in refrigerator. It is preserved for over 1 year.
We bought a lot.
Hechima (in Italy known as luffa ) is a plant that you do not throw anything (like a pig ^ - ^) E
'annual climbing plant. In the spring, just plant some seeds contained in the large pumpkin to create new plants.
Both young and squash flowers are edible. In Japan it is used mostly in the southern island of Kyushu and Okinawa islands, is eaten in tenpura, boiled, grilled or in soup with miso.
I've never eaten the next year I'll try ^ - ^!
A noi, della pianta, interessa la spugna che si ricava dalle zucche essiccate (mi dispiace ma non ho ancora la foto della spugna, sta essiccando e serve del tempo. La si può vedere qui ) ed il liquido che sgorga dai rametti recisi che viene incanalato nelle bottiglie che raccoglieranno la preziosa linfa. La bottiglia della foto sottostante si è riempita in 24 ore circa.
Da questo liquido, mescolato con alcuni ingredienti, si ricava un'ottima acqua tonica home made.
Su ja.wikipedia/org c'è scritto che il liquido è un ottimo medicamento per tosse, eruzioni cutanee, screpolature, scottature ma anche un diuretico naturale per i gonfiori. Dato che come medicamento unpreserved (the liquid is only boiled, filtered and kept in the fridge), is highly perishable. Instead
to have the tonic needed to Hechima:
1,200 ml of water Hechima
120 ml of ethanol 60 ml of glycerin
6 grams of boron
7 drops of essence (we lavender essence)
Heat at 37 ° C water Hechima and mix well with other ingredients.
Transfer into sterilized bottles and keep well in refrigerator. It is preserved for over 1 year.
We bought a lot.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Image: Light N Lively Yogurt
Bellies?! .. I'm not all the same!
prediabetic A Metabolic Epatodigestivo B C D Colico
Figure 1: different types of accumulation of abdominal fat nell'androide
A cura di Alessandro De Vettor
Quante volte capita di vedere, su uomini e donne indistintamente, “pancette” o pance più o meno prominenti di diversa consistenza, volume e struttura? Ebbene, ognuna di loro potrebbe avere fattori eziologici differenti. Di seguito analizzeremo più da vicino le loro peculiarità e cause, per proporre in articoli successivi alcuni utili accorgimenti da seguire in palestra per il loro trattamento.
L’accumulo di grasso addominale è una caratteristica tipica del biotipo androide. Iniziamo quindi ad identificare i diversi tipi di accumulo adiposo viscerale nei vari biotipi androidi (Figura 1):
Fonte: Dr. Crescenzo M. Muto
prediabetic type A:
It shows a large intake of fat in the abdomen, mostly flabby and bulky. Often, after a careful evaluation by the physician through specific tests (blood glucose, insulin, glycated hemoglobin, cortisol, testosterone, C-reactive protein), you establish a diagnosis of insulin resistance. We are therefore faced with an accumulation of fat from "hyperinsulinism", which may worsen if concomitant with elevated serum cortisol. This event, reflecting the lowering of circulating free testosterone levels, would further increase the predisposition to the accumulation of body fat, reducing the lean. Power and the coach must be customized in close collaboration between physician and personal trainer in order to educate the body to insulin sensitivity.
epatodigestivo Type B:
The metabolic type C:
The colicky D:
presents a tense abdomen and massive, which more than a "bacon fat" is result of particular conditions, such as bloating and flatulence. This particular symptom is typical of individuals suffering from disorders of the intestinal apparatus, such as "irritable bowel syndrome," and all those back in inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, diverticulitis). It is also associated with Celiac disease and, less dramatically, to all those who have food intolerances. Again, to talk about "abdominal colic" is necessary for the medical diagnosis is established through specific surveys which establish the actual inflammation (blood indices of inflammation and eventual endoscopy and biopsy) and / or intolerances. It is recommended to supplement training in the gym with diaphragmatic breathing exercises and yoga techniques to promote relaxation. The grading food is very important in maintaining a distended abdomen, relaxed, without those irritating foods and / or intolerant.
prediabetic A Metabolic Epatodigestivo B C D Colico
Figure 1: different types of accumulation of abdominal fat nell'androide
A cura di Alessandro De Vettor
Quante volte capita di vedere, su uomini e donne indistintamente, “pancette” o pance più o meno prominenti di diversa consistenza, volume e struttura? Ebbene, ognuna di loro potrebbe avere fattori eziologici differenti. Di seguito analizzeremo più da vicino le loro peculiarità e cause, per proporre in articoli successivi alcuni utili accorgimenti da seguire in palestra per il loro trattamento.
L’accumulo di grasso addominale è una caratteristica tipica del biotipo androide. Iniziamo quindi ad identificare i diversi tipi di accumulo adiposo viscerale nei vari biotipi androidi (Figura 1):
Fonte: Dr. Crescenzo M. Muto
prediabetic type A:
It shows a large intake of fat in the abdomen, mostly flabby and bulky. Often, after a careful evaluation by the physician through specific tests (blood glucose, insulin, glycated hemoglobin, cortisol, testosterone, C-reactive protein), you establish a diagnosis of insulin resistance. We are therefore faced with an accumulation of fat from "hyperinsulinism", which may worsen if concomitant with elevated serum cortisol. This event, reflecting the lowering of circulating free testosterone levels, would further increase the predisposition to the accumulation of body fat, reducing the lean. Power and the coach must be customized in close collaboration between physician and personal trainer in order to educate the body to insulin sensitivity.
epatodigestivo Type B:
It has a protruding abdomen, dilated, with the presence of fat tends to compact the more flaccid. It 'a characteristic of people suffering from problems in the liver. It is therefore essential to know the eating habits of the subject (for example, makes regular use of alcohol) and check the health of the liver through appropriate examinations (ultrasound liver transaminases, alkaline phosphatase, gamma GT, bilirubin, etc.). It is not a situation of easy to manage as it was originally an excessive overload and fatigue the body is contraindicated in training in the gym, because it could have an adverse effect on the hepatic system. It is therefore recommended calistenici exercises, stretching and breathing. The weight training should be inserted only after a real improvement of the clinical picture, must be lightweight, and in any case devoid of poly-articular movements and working directly on the abdominals.
The metabolic type C:
a clear flaccid fat, typical of the man who is fed incorrectly. Usually there are alterations in blood indicators related conditions of distress or impairment of insulin resistance, nor alterations in hormonal profiles. You can see occasional cases of hypercholesterolemia. In this case you do not need any special device training. This can be varied in the exercises and methodology, aimed at weight loss is that the muscle tone. Obviously, the diet must be appropriate to the improvement in the relationship of body composition body fat / lean in favor of the latter.
presents a tense abdomen and massive, which more than a "bacon fat" is result of particular conditions, such as bloating and flatulence. This particular symptom is typical of individuals suffering from disorders of the intestinal apparatus, such as "irritable bowel syndrome," and all those back in inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, diverticulitis). It is also associated with Celiac disease and, less dramatically, to all those who have food intolerances. Again, to talk about "abdominal colic" is necessary for the medical diagnosis is established through specific surveys which establish the actual inflammation (blood indices of inflammation and eventual endoscopy and biopsy) and / or intolerances. It is recommended to supplement training in the gym with diaphragmatic breathing exercises and yoga techniques to promote relaxation. The grading food is very important in maintaining a distended abdomen, relaxed, without those irritating foods and / or intolerant.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Nfl Players In Jockstraps
Lesson Cooking of October 18, 2010 in Sicily in September
As we do every third Monday of the month, yesterday, October 18, We did the lesson monthly
Italian home cooking in Kokura, near Fukuoka.
preparations, as usual, began at 12:50. The lesson began at 13:30 and ended around 16:30.
We were 12 women and 2 men. In the quarter October / November / December are 16 members, but at any moment they can get
new members.
We are trying to achieve regional recipes, though not always the equipment and ingredients are the most suitable
. Quantities are for 6 people.
Menu - Spaghetti alla marinara
- Pumpkin saor
- Grissini ironed
Spaghetti marinara
350 grams of spaghetti
shrimp, octopus and squid
5 ~ 6 tomatoes 1 clove of garlic, parsley, hot pepper oil
white wine salt and pepper, boil for a short
time shrimp, octopus and squid. Shell the shrimp and cut into pieces the octopus and squid.
Sauté the garlic and chilli, add the chopped tomatoes and white wine, salt and pepper.
Add seafood and cook for 2 ~ 3 minutes on low heat.
Cook the spaghetti, mix with the sauce. Serve and garnish with parsley.
Pumpkin saor in
300 g pumpkin 2 medium onions
raisins and pine nuts
bay leaves and cloves
2 tablespoons white wine vinegar
4 tablespoons white wine 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil salt and pepper
Chop the pumpkin, peel it, cook for 2 minutes in the microwave at 600W, or steam until it becomes soft
Peel and slice onions thinly, sauté with 1 tablespoon oil over low heat.
When they become soft and transparent, deglaze with vinegar and wine. Add the bay leaf and cloves,
salt and pepper and cook for 10 minutes around, always a slow fire.
Combine in a glass bowl: pumpkin, onion, pine nuts and raisins, 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil.
Cover and cook in the fridge for 18 ~ 24 hours.
Grissini ironed
125 gr flour 65 gr water
2 g of freeze-dried yeast
2 ~ 3 g of salt 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
1 / 2 teaspoon of malt flour
of extra virgin olive oil semolina
cheese and ham
Mix flour, water, yeast, malt and oil and salt at last. Form a loaf of 15x8 cm,
put it on parchment paper sprinkled with semolina.
Brush surface of dough with a little oil and sprinkle with semolina.
Cover and let rise for 1 hour. Cut the dough from the short side sticks to 1.5 cm.
Use your fingers to hold the stick in the middle and pull with the other hand making him stretch.
do the same on the other side of the stick. Align
breadsticks on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper and bake at 200 ° C for 18 ~ 20 minutes. We
we ate them with ham and soft cheese.
************************************************ ************************************************** *********************
And, finally, mangiaaaaaaaa !!!!!!
Even today appreciated all the food, having fun in the preparation!
As we do every third Monday of the month, yesterday, October 18, We did the lesson monthly
Italian home cooking in Kokura, near Fukuoka.
preparations, as usual, began at 12:50. The lesson began at 13:30 and ended around 16:30.
We were 12 women and 2 men. In the quarter October / November / December are 16 members, but at any moment they can get
new members.
We are trying to achieve regional recipes, though not always the equipment and ingredients are the most suitable
. Quantities are for 6 people.
Menu - Spaghetti alla marinara
- Pumpkin saor
- Grissini ironed
Spaghetti marinara
350 grams of spaghetti
shrimp, octopus and squid
5 ~ 6 tomatoes 1 clove of garlic, parsley, hot pepper oil
white wine salt and pepper, boil for a short
time shrimp, octopus and squid. Shell the shrimp and cut into pieces the octopus and squid.
Sauté the garlic and chilli, add the chopped tomatoes and white wine, salt and pepper.
Add seafood and cook for 2 ~ 3 minutes on low heat.
Cook the spaghetti, mix with the sauce. Serve and garnish with parsley.
Pumpkin saor in
300 g pumpkin 2 medium onions
raisins and pine nuts
bay leaves and cloves
2 tablespoons white wine vinegar
4 tablespoons white wine 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil salt and pepper
Chop the pumpkin, peel it, cook for 2 minutes in the microwave at 600W, or steam until it becomes soft
Peel and slice onions thinly, sauté with 1 tablespoon oil over low heat.
When they become soft and transparent, deglaze with vinegar and wine. Add the bay leaf and cloves,
salt and pepper and cook for 10 minutes around, always a slow fire.
Combine in a glass bowl: pumpkin, onion, pine nuts and raisins, 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil.
Cover and cook in the fridge for 18 ~ 24 hours.
Grissini ironed
125 gr flour 65 gr water
2 g of freeze-dried yeast
2 ~ 3 g of salt 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
1 / 2 teaspoon of malt flour
of extra virgin olive oil semolina
cheese and ham
Mix flour, water, yeast, malt and oil and salt at last. Form a loaf of 15x8 cm,
put it on parchment paper sprinkled with semolina.
Brush surface of dough with a little oil and sprinkle with semolina.
Cover and let rise for 1 hour. Cut the dough from the short side sticks to 1.5 cm.
Use your fingers to hold the stick in the middle and pull with the other hand making him stretch.
do the same on the other side of the stick. Align
breadsticks on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper and bake at 200 ° C for 18 ~ 20 minutes. We
we ate them with ham and soft cheese.
************************************************ ************************************************** *********************
And, finally, mangiaaaaaaaa !!!!!!
Even today appreciated all the food, having fun in the preparation!
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