How to do for the past three years every third Monday of each month, even yesterday, May 17, we did the lesson monthly Italian home cooking in Kokura, near Fukuoka.
preparations, as usual, began at 12:50. The lesson is always from 13:30 to about 16:00.
We were in 13, this time only women, two male students were unable to attend.
this quarter (April / May / June) are 20 members.
Quantities are for 6 people.
Since last month in the menu are Italian regional recipes, but we will have to adapt with the ingredients and equipment.
- Malloreddus (gnocchi)
- Rustic with vegetables (Emilia)
- Salmon stew (Calabria)
- Lettuce
Malloreddus (gnocchi)
300 grams of semolina
150 ml of warm water
a tip of a teaspoon of saffron
Per il condimento
150 gr di maiale (in originale: salsiccia)
sale, pepe e semi di finocchio
4-5 pomodori
1/6 di cipolla
3 cucchiai di olio evo
semi di finocchio
Sciogliere lo zafferano nell'acqua tiepida. Impastare la farina con una parte dell'acqua e formare una palla, coprirla con una ciotola capovolta per 30 minuti circa.
Allungare dei cordoncini sottili di pasta (operazione difficile, non sempre erano sottili ^-^), tagliare degli gnocchi di 2 cm circa e premerli con il pollice sul piano rigato (noi abbiamo used "suribachi" rifled mortar Japanese grated sesame seeds. The two children are my suribachi, large part of the equipment room of the lessons). Sprinkle with semolina flour.
Mix the pork, cut into a knife with pepper, salt and fennel seeds (for sausage) and let stand for 10 minutes in the refrigerator.
Fry in oil the chopped onion and pork and brown, add the tomatoes, cut into pieces and the water with the saffron. Season with salt. Add the basil leaves and turn off the gas. Cook in water
malloreddus boiling salted water, drain, mix with the sauce and sprinkle with cheese.
Rustico with vegetables (Emilia Romagna)
150 grams of cold butter 150 grams flour 80 grams of ice water
1 / 2 cabbage
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil 2 slices
4 slices of bacon
slices 1 clove garlic 1 tablespoon Parmesan
Mix (with intermittent shots) with the mixer flour and cold butter (cut into pieces and kept in the freezer for 2 days), adding little to Once the ice water.
Compact with your hands. Roll out the dough and make the folds in three, as for pastry, continuando fino a che il burro si sia amalgamato all'impasto.
Infarinare l'impasto, dividerlo in due pezzi (uno più grande dell'altro), avvolgerli nella pellicola per alimenti e farli riposare in frigo per almeno 30 minuti.
Soffriggere con olio ed aglio il cavolo sbollentato e sminuzzato.
Stendere la parte più grande e coprire la teglia, bucherellare con i rebbi della forchetta, mettere il cavolo e la pancetta a pezzi.
Spolverizzare un poco di parmigiano ed aggiungere le sottilette, stendere la parte piccola e coprire il rustico. Sigillare il bordo ed infornare a 220°C per 30 minuti circa.
steamed salmon (Calabria)
1 slice of salmon per person
lemon juice, parsley, oregano, capers
extra virgin olive oil salt and pepper
Put a little oil in a dish taking the heat, lean slices of salmon, sprinkle with lemon juice. Sprinkle with oregano, parsley, capers, salt and pepper.
Place the pot on a pot containing water, put the lid and steam for 10 minutes.
Remove cover and sprinkle with olive oil.
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Each time before using the equipment of the hall of instruction, re-washed everything we use. What we do after using them, before leaving the room
Washing the dishes before Serve the food. Mrs. Kondou, however, deals with a salad to accompany our food: curly endive salad and arugula dressed with olive oil, salt and pepper.
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And now, you mangiaaaaaaaa !!!!!! Finally!! This time was set for 16:00, delay in bringing enough!
Even today appreciated all the food, having fun in the preparation!