(segue riprese dell'inaugurazione)
Domenica 12 Settembre si è conclusa con grande partecipazione da parte di tutta la comunità, l’esposizione storico-fotografica denominata “Camisano in Mostra”, edited by Fabio Venturelli in close collaboration with Dr. Samuele Paoletti.
The exhibition was open 4 to 12 September has been aroused curiosity and sensitivity to the particular theme in the exhibition, over 60 years of history, traditions and culture from the community of Camira.
The number of visitors coming from outside the province, could also thanks to the 60 prints by as many related press articles from various archives and private institutions, discover events, news items and especially to develop reflections
Before reflection developed by an architect of the country you have to observe the structural changes e urbanistici del territorio, dalla perdita di splendidi angoli storici di Camisano , al cambiamento e al miglioramento dei nostri beni architettonici (per l’anno prossimo sarà allestita una mostra ad doc per quanto riguarda la trasformazione urbanistica).
Seconda riflessione sottolineata soprattutto dai piu’ anziani del paese, è l’indebolimento e la perdita durante gli anni di tradizioni affini al culto a alla fede dei camisanesi, spariti usi, costumi e celebrazioni secolari.
Terza e ultima riflessione evidenziata dai piu’ giovani è la perdita costante di stimoli per i giovani e non solo. La perdita di spazi come l’Ex Oratorio che dagli anni 90 riversa oramai in abbandono, oppure la mancanza some events that have dissolved over the years back.
We also had perhaps for reasons of politically motivated termination of a socio-cultural fabric, which has created between camisanesi, collective individuality.
With this exhibition we wanted to incite the population of Camira you remember how old we were and how we are.
In conclusion I wanted to thank all the people who cooperated with the preparation of the exhibition, The parish of Camira and several private families exposed to the material and the municipal authority for having ordered the board room, the next event will be during the Christmas holidays in the hope of camisanesi revived in the minds of the desire to leave aside any prejudice of any kind is
Fabio Venturelli