As we do every third Monday of the month, also on December 20 we made the monthly Italian home cooking lesson in Kokura, near Fukuoka.
preparations, as usual, began at 12:50. The lesson began at 13:30 and ended around 16:30. There were 11 women and 2 men.
We had a lot to do what I thought of not being able to finish everything on time.
Luckily I got an insight during the preparation of the cannelloni, I said we could train cannelloni senza far bollire la pasta all'uovo appena fatta.
Se non avessi avuto questa idea non avremmo fatto in tempo a preparare tutto prima della fine dell'orario stabilito, e per di più il sapore non ne ha risentito assolutamente, anzi erano ottimi, meno male ^-^!

Stiamo cercando di realizzare ricette regionali, anche se non sempre le attrezzature e gli ingredienti sono
i più idonei. Le quantità sono per 6 persone.
- Cannelloni ripieni di carne
- Petto di pollo farcito
- Porcedduzzi

Cannelloni ripieni di carne
130 gr di farina
1 egg 100 grams of ground beef 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
40 cc of white wine 10 grams of dried mushrooms 3 tablespoons Parmesan
30 g butter 400 cc of broth
salt and cream cheese
nutmeg Soak the dried mushrooms in warm water. Sauté the ground beef with 1 tablespoon oil. Deglaze with white wine. Allow to cool.
Wash the soaked mushrooms and fry with a little oil, chop and add them to the ground with 1 tablespoon Parmesan cheese, salt and nutmeg. Keep aside.
In a pan fry the butter with 30 grams of flour, add the vegetable broth, a bit 'of nutmeg and thicken the sauce. Season with salt.
Mix 100 grams of flour with the egg and salt, cover with a bowl and let stand for 30 minutes.
Roll out the dough and cut the rectangle of 8x9 cm, * cook in boiling salted water with a little oil, and let them dry on a towel (* this part we have omitted for lack of time).
Place each rectangle on a little dressing and cream cheese and wrap the short side and aligned in a pan covered with parchment paper. Pour over the bechamel sauce and sprinkle the Parmesan cheese. Bake in oven at 230 ° C for 15 minutes.

Stuffed chicken breast
1 chicken breast 300 g
20 g peas 40 g of boiled mushrooms
1 / 2 small onion 1 zucchini
1 / 2 teaspoon capers
10 g butter 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
30 cc of white wine 1 clove garlic
100 cc of broth
vegetable salt, pepper, parsley 2 tomatoes

Cut the vegetables into cubes and sauté with capers for 15 minutes on medium heat with butter. Season with salt and pepper, deglaze with white wine.
Remove the chicken skin, drawing and then cut into the thickest part, to widen the pocket without tearing.
Salt lightly and put in the inside half of the vegetables, close the mouth and tie with wire to roast salare e pepare.
In una padella mettere l'olio evo ed uno spicchio di aglio e far rosolare il pollo da tutti i lati, sfumare con il restante vino ed aggiungere il brodo vegetale. Far cuocere a fuoco medio per 20 minuti circa. Togliere l'aglio ed unire i pomodori tagliati a dadini e le verdure avanzate, un poco di prezzemolo e far cuocere per 10 minuti.
Tagliare a fette il petto di pollo e servire con le verdure soffritte.

100 gr di farina
30 gr di olio evo
30 gr di vino bianco
15 gr di zucchero
1/2 cucchiaino di cannella
buccia di limone
olio per friggere
Per guarire
syrup of figs (or honey)
candied fruit
cinnamon In a saucepan heat the extra virgin olive oil with the lemon peel, do not fade much. Remove from heat and discard lemon peel.
Sift flour and add sugar and cinnamon, to the fountain and pour the oil flavored with lemon, white wine and stir.
Knead with your hands and form a ball, let it rest for 30 minutes.
All Hungarian sticks as thick as my little finger and cut about 2 cm pieces and hollow as it does with the gnocchi.
Fry in hot oil, let them dry on paper towels.
Heat syrup figs (or honey) and blend in the porcedduzzi.
Sprinkle with cinnamon and candied fruit.

One of the ladies brought these almond cookies covered with powdered sugar, while another has brought some tea bags with flowers and we have also prepared excellent tea, everything was very good.
************************************************ ************************************************** ********************* Ed
it's time to eat!

view from my desk, this is the table on the left.

This table right

And this is my station!
With me there are always two bold young men and my assistant Nobuko.