Monday, March 14, 2011

Apollo 13 And Newton's Law Of Motion

Vivian Girls - I Heard You Say

From the "Share The Joy," the first single for the Vivian Girls.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Pokemon Deluge Highest Atack

Mystery Jets 'Serotonin' official video

third and final single for the band London Extract from the homonymous album

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Why Cervix Swollen Before Period

Arctic Monkeys - Brick By Brick

the south ..

Saturday, March 5, 2011

How To Decorate A Rabbit Cage

Does It Offend You, Yeah? - The Monkeys Are Coming

first single "Do not Say We Did not Warn You," the second album for Does It Offend You, Yeah? Output March 14

How To Install Vocal Eraser Sony Sound Forge

Elbow - neat little rows

first single from "Build a Rocket Boys!" fifth studio album for Elbow.

Friday, March 4, 2011

How Much Ferrous Fumarate In Pregnancy

Ida Maria - Quite Nice People (Official Music Video Premiere)

first single from "Katla" second Cd Ida Maria for this album confirms that with all his singing and compositions. Hard not to be missed.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Diego Rivera The Agitator

Radiohead - Lotus Flower

first single from "King of limbs," a new album for Radiohead.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Is Cipralex Really An Asri

The Strokes - Under Cover Of Darkness

The wait is over.

Gay First Time Public Toilet

Cooking class of 21 February 2011

Come facciamo ogni terzo lunedì del mese, anche il 21 febbraio 2011 abbiamo fatto la lezione mensile di cucina casalinga italiana a Kokura, in provincia di Fukuoka.
I preparativi, come al solito, sono iniziati alle 12:50. La lezione è cominciata alle 13:30 ed è finita verso le 16:30.
Eravamo 9 donne e 1 uomo e come sempre ci siamo divertiti molto.

Stiamo cercando di realizzare ricette regionali, anche se non sempre le attrezzature e gli ingredienti sono i più idonei. Le quantità sono per 6 persone.

- Maccheroni col ferro in salsa cremosa
- Sgombro in tortiera
- Nodini in padella

Maccheroni col ferro in salsa cremosa

200 gr di semola rimacinata
1 uovo
acqua tiepida qb
sale qb
1 zucchina o 1 melanzana
1 carota
30 gr di funghi
60 gr di panna
50 gr di formaggio cremoso
3~4 fette di pancetta
3 cucchiai di olio evo

Impastare semola, uovo, sale e, se necessario, acqua. Coprire l'impasto con una ciotola.

Con piccoli pezzi di impasto fare dei cordoncini lunghi 4 cm circa, avvolgerlo sul ferro e farlo scorrere avanti ed indietro sul tagliere. Sprinkle with flour to dry.

Clean the vegetables cut into sticks and carrots, diced zucchini (or eggplant) and divide the mushrooms, fry them leaving them crispy. Season with salt and set aside.
Melt cream cheese with cream and a pinch of salt, add the vegetables.
Chop the bacon and fry in a pan.
Cook the macaroni in salted water, drain and mix them with cream. Serve and garnish with the bacon.

Mackerel in cake

500 grams of mackerel

3 potatoes fennel seeds to taste 1 tablespoon
di pangrattato
3 cucchiai d'olio evo
sale e pepe qb
pomodori qb
uno spicchio d'aglio

Far bollire le patate con la buccia per 20 minuti in acqua salata.

Pulire lo sgombro, togliere la lisca e le spine, tagliarlo a pezzi ed asciugarlo.
Mescolare i semi di finocchio, pangrattato, sale e pepe.
Versare un poco d'olio in una teglia, allineare le patate lesse tagliate a fette ed appoggiare sopra i pezzi di sgombro. Spolverizzare con il pangrattato. Aggiungere l'aglio grattugiato, alcuni pezzi di pomodoro e l'olio rimasto.
Cuocere in forno a 200°C per 15~20 minuti. E' buono sia caldo che freddo.

Nodini pan

100 grams of flour 50 grams of water

2 g of freeze-dried yeast

10 grams extra virgin olive oil 1 pinch of salt For the sauce

20 grams of extra virgin olive oil 1 clove

parsley chopped garlic 1 hot pepper

Mix the sauce ingredients and set aside.

Mix the ingredients of the chops and let rise for 30 ~ 40 minutes.
Cut small pieces of dough and make a bread stick about 15 cm long and tie a knot, leaving the center hole very wide.

Brush with little Oil a pan and heat it over medium heat, place the chops in a little apart and put the lid. Cook for 3 ~ 4 minutes per side.
It 's normal that the knots in some places become a little burnt, this is their characteristic.
Once cooked, put them in the sauce and turn them over to make them taste. They're a great aperitif.

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and is now eat!

view from my desk, this is the table on the left.

This table right
And this is my station!
With me there's always the male of the course (it is a medical assistant and my ^-^!) Nobuko.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Backpacker Jobs Vancouver

Martian Garanzini are .. but you're right!

Last week I spoke with one of my technicians (SIGFRIDO), which reduces Daun inconrtro to chat with Italo Cucci, I was confident that it agrees with critics that only "party linked to oval and its values, but unrelated to the achievement of victory and the result. .. And I said bluntly, "of rugby and if we see the very fine good anyway in the name of the only principles of thought and giocoi points won on the field like football?!
cite an article to that effect to

Pardon? I'm not good
To redeem the disappointment of narrowly lost the match with Ireland and the figure Barbina patita con l’Inghilterra altro non c’era che la vittoria. Ma il 16 a 24 per i Dragoni ci rimette al posto che al momento ci compete e nel quale soffriamo, nonostante l’entusiasmo che comunque circonda la Nazionale, che perde e perde ma non smarrisce l’affetto degli appassionati dell’ovale, cosa difficile da spiegare a chi segue altri sport.
“Se perdono non sono bravi”.
L'avrebbe detto l’olimpionico di judo Maddaloni, frase riportata dal bravo Gigi Garanzini in ‘A tempo di sport’, la pomeridiana trasmissione sportiva del sabato di Radio 24.
Angelo, allenatore del mini rugby di un club che con orgoglio opera nella periferia romana, telefona in trasmissione and politely "criticized" the conductor to be too hard with the XV that blue does not win. Garanzini beats the wooden spoon on the table and feel the stroke: one can not be good and losing so often. "Yes, rugby is a wonderful sport and we should bring all children to try it," said Garanzini, but they always lose and you do not explain why whatever levy still a very good interest.
Passion and typhoid
Who fills the Flaminio when they play Parisse & C.? Supporters like in football? No, fans of the sport in the movement that we are as players 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 years, engineers, educators, family: they are a large majority of the total.
In the early stages of football fans and there are so many of them, as everyone has kicked a leather round sooner or later in life, football is not the first person no longer live in if not as mere fans, if they feed on binges front of the TV. And by the way are several million practitioners of Italian football. At Flaminio there is a considerable density of rugby fans who also live in the rest of the year as fans of TV or not "rosy" on Monday, but as active participants and related to sport and to each other.
Passion and typhoid are not the same thing.
Moreover, the presence of the matches is the National the peak of their rugby experience, because they are not fundamentally sectarian and partisan as in football, where instead the ultimate enjoyment is watch the games of his club team.
Still, the experience of the 3rd time is unique and far from a party held occasionally for an event, you - as well as a tradition - a part of the whole of the match and being the kind of sport, the rugby player .

why "woe to touch rugby," as Garanzini (which is certainly not critical of the sport, diamogliene act properly), but insisted that at its best competitive the national team, we can not measure the performance without considering the essential result. This is correct. But that "will never understand is that that result, ultimately, for the people of rugby, does not matter as important as in other sports, football in the first place: the extreme, in football if you lose you cry and you feel humiliated, the game ends with that defeat underlined by the insults and maybe some other stones pseudo love of football. In no
rugby, rugby does not end the eightieth. The rugby is never ending.

PS: Dear Sergio tell your friends that sometimes you win, otherwise we feel uncomfortable in filling the Flaminio or Meazza of pure passion. The others will not understand and never again treat us to Mars!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Brown Under Armour Shirt

The Vaccines - Blow It Up

Friday, February 25, 2011

Remove Cigerette Lighter From Ford Focus

The ideal sporting environment: your is?

"The environment is ideal sports that rewards commitment, enthusiasm and improvements and not just the results competitions. And 'that can offer a climate psychologically serene and positive voltages without creating competitive . That 's what teaches respect the rules of the game, respect your opponents and comrades, to enjoy the victories, but not to dramatize the defeat "(From - M. Bocchi)
How many times have we analyzed the sports club sport in which engaged our children?
We examined these profiles?
We asked who directs what he does or plans to do to achieve these goals?
What have you discovered? What did they say?
(from the website:

Monday, February 21, 2011

Telephone Diconect Letter

Egyptian Hip Hop - Moon Crooner

Track Retrieved from "Some Reptiles Grew Wings" EP debut for Egyptian Hip Hop, the last cry of Manchester.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Why Does My Bilirubin Go Up And Down

Mai Personal Mood "L'heure dEPart"

A grainy color photo of the '60s, laughter among friends that run through the grass. And 'the image that evokes il primo brano del nuovo EP dei Mai Personal Mood per la Forears, dal titolo L’Heure Depart. Ad aprire il disco Bluette. Titolo cromatico per un album cromatico. Atmosfere e testi spensierati, con carillon e chitarre che si alternano in melodie assonanti e lineari.

In Corso Trieste l’atmosfera si fa più rarefatta e riflessiva, con intenti più eclettici ed intenzioni più serie, una tromba dissonante si fa strada tra riff di chitarre che cominciano ad avere coraggio.
In Barocco, l’estrosità e la fantasia proprie del movimento culturale da cui il brano prende nome, spiccano finalmente il volo, in un intermezzo strumentale da 3 minuti esatti, in cui synth e tremoli spingono il sistema limbico “oltre il confine stabilito”.

Contractact è un attimo di possessione Subsonica, da cui i Mai Personal Mood si esorcizzano in circa sei minuti, per giungere alla catarsi di Valigie Aperte: Atmosfere oniriche e testi sofferti degni di un fresco album cantautoriale da incoraggiare, chiudono in bellezza un curioso EP che merita di essere ascoltato, in un panorama musicale italiano sempre più saturo di scialbi talenti troppo incoraggiati.
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Herbs and spices in my pantry

usually prepared by me, the spices and seasonings, I prefer them to those packaged.

To have them all on hand, after having carried out, and put on this page prepared
that I found on the web and find so scattered, each of these preparations has
many versions since, in general, bloggers after they found themselves on the web,
in preparing the modified, customized. What I did, too.
It 's very hard to remember where I got the various recipes, the idea of \u200b\u200ba blog, the proceedings from another
, preservation by others.
why I do not want to bloggers that they consider this as an unjustified appropriation
from me, because I assume that all versions are found on the web
daughters of other versions.

But, if someone would recognize her as one of these cases,
let me know so that we can put the link to the original recipe

aroma arancia (1)

aroma arancia (2) con alcol

liquore d'anice

polvere aromatica

arancia candita

zenzero candito

zucchero vanigliato


vin cotto

sciroppo di fichi

olio aromatizzato al peperoncino

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aroma arancia

I peeled with a potato peeler two untreated sour oranges, taking only the orange part,
and left to dry in a cool room for 5 ~ 6 days.
orange aroma (1)
For the orange aroma was enough to mix the skins and place in a sterilized glass container well. Replaces
wonderfully synthetic orange aroma.
best preserved in the freezer.
orange aroma (2) alcohol
For the orange aroma with alcohol: I shake the peel with the sugar, put into sterilized glass container
well and after 2 hours combined alcohol 95 °.
best preserved in the freezer.

For the quantity, enlarge the photo.

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liquor anise

I have put in infusione nell'alcol a 95° l'anice stellato, la cannella, la bacca di vaniglia, la buccia di limone.
Dopo 9 giorni ho fatto sciogliere lo zucchero nell'acqua bollente, dopo che si era raffreddato ho
unito l'alcol con le spezie e l'acqua zuccherata.

Ho lasciato riposare fino a sera, filtrato ed imbottigliato. 10~20 cc in impasti dolci daranno un
profumo molto intenso di anice.
Meglio conservare in freezer.

Per le quantità, ingrandire la foto

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aromatic powder

Spices of aniseed liqueur, infused in alcohol, I blend with the same amount of sugar
anigliato, put into a sterilized glass container well.
One teaspoon of powder in an aromatic sweet dough, will give a more intense aroma to cookies and cakes.
best preserved in the freezer.

For ingredients, zoom

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candied orange

I cut into strips of bitter orange peels left untreated, and put them in a pot with
cold water and bring to a boil. I deleted the cooking water and added other cold water,
bringing to a boil. I again removed the cooking water and more water added
cold when it began to boil, I turned off the gas and eliminated the cooking water.
I put on the chopping board to dry for a day.
low heat caramelize the skins I have made with the same weight of glucose and left to dry on the chopping
. Pass the vanilla sugar and put into a sterilized glass container well.
Likewise, you can also make lemon, grapefruit, bergamot, etc..
best preserved in the freezer.

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candied ginger

I peeled ginger and sliced \u200b\u200bthin enough. The procedure is identical with candied orange.
best preserved in the freezer.

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vanilla sugar

I put in a glass jar 800 g of sugar and a vanilla bean.
I mixed and set aside. When sugar is about to end, simply add more.
The same grape can be used until its expiration on the package of vanilla bean. Replaces
wonderfully packet of synthetic vanillin.

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I sliced \u200b\u200bthe pork and bacon into strips and then put to cook over a low
with lid. In this way the fat is liquid, transparent and abundant.

As the fat melts should pour into a sterilized glass jar well,
it through a paper towel. Close the jar with the lid and allow to cool.

When hot, clear, cold and white becomes pomatia.
E 'much better packaged lard. See ( here) for the full preparation.
Keep in refrigerator.

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vin cotto

I squeezed the grapes with your hands, crush the potatoes I tried to squeeze the most out of beans.
I strained the juice and put it to simmer in a pot of steel, making
sobbolire gently for 3 hours, until it shrank by almost two thirds.
nearly 450 ml of juice came about 180 ml of mulled wine. See ( here) for the full preparation.

substituting honey in some regional preparations.
Keep in refrigerator.

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syrup of figs

figs 1 kg of water

Wash figs, cut in half and line them up as a layer in a saucepan. Cover them with water and simmer gently until
them they become very soft (4 or 5 hours).
collect the juice, causing them to drain, overnight, into a tightly woven cotton cloth.
The next day, wringing her hands with a cloth full of figs to extract all the juice possible. I have
ricavato 450 ml di succo che ho rimesso a sobbollire su fuoco debole, facendolo addensare
sino alla consistenza preferita.
Il mio risultato finale è stato 230 ml di sciroppo di fichi. Vedere ( qui ) per la preparazione integrale.

Sostituisce il miele in alcune preparazioni regionali.
Tenere in frigo.

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oil flavored with chili

extra virgin olive oil '

oil Wash and dry the peppers, put them in a clean glass jar and cover with olive oil.

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