Friday the greeting of relatives of the volunteers
amounted to 1600 kg of essential food and hundreds of blankets and personal hygiene products collected by the group "The Sparrowhawk." In the center established in Casale
Cremasco remained open during the month of April more than 15 volunteers involved in the collection along with the collaboration of the town of Casale Cremasco and the considerable influx of hundreds of people in the area.
Towards the month of May all the material about 2500 kg in total was delivered in collaboration with the group of Rivolta d'Adda in Monticchio 2 camp set up by the Regione Lombardia

Just Friday, June 20 to 24 from Cremona The group Sparrowhawk joined the column and together with the provincial mobile group of Griffon Soncino to bring their expertise to the Abruzzi.
Volunteers of the parties in mortarboard, Group President John Mussi 26 years, a worker living in Camira, Fabio Dolphins Director of the group 34 years, a worker living in Camira, Giampietro Lever, 64, retired former construction worker living in Cremosano and Edward Spinelli 58 years in retirement living in Salvirola already dawn on Saturday after ten hours of travel entered service in the field of Monticchio ONNA a few kilometers from one of the most common 'upset in the story of 6 April.
This week the President will communicate the current state of the field which are hosted pu 'of 500 displaced people, where there are still shook the swarm of 3 and 4 degrees and the weather is getting worse, the group of volunteers hawk having experienced construction equipment and construction activities in the field could be side by side during their shift that will last until next Saturday to the fire to rebuild the homes of Abruzzo.
Volunteers do not hide their enthusiasm and joy that will enrich the wealth of experience that the group only baby born in October 2008 has already 'matured since high cremasco new project that could involve an agreement with 13 municipalities, services provided in the various events grumello as the fair, the beer festival or the Feast of Casale Cremasco Camira bound not to mention the many exercises at the river Serio, you will note you going to spread the group's website http://www.lo-sparviere . com / site run by the volunteer Leonardo Reggiani
Ad. Communications mortarboard Fabio Venturelli for more info 0373/77425
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