Friday, January 1, 2010

Can Genital Warts Disqualify You From The Navy


Robert Bettinelli

Camisano - Due arresti e 347 grammi di eroina sequestrati dai carabinieri. I due arrestati e il complice hanno visto l’auto dei carabinieri e sono fuggiti. I tre uomini erano sulla Renault Clio e avevano più di tre etti e mezzo di eroina. L’inseguimento è iniziato intorno alle 22.30 di mercoledì stavano controllando la zona quando hanno visto l’auto e si sono insospettiti. Ma prima che riuscissero ad avvicinarsi, l’uomo alla guida della Renaul è partito all’improvviso in direzione per Camisano
Involucri lanciati nella fuga.
L’equipaggio dei carabinieri di Romano di Lombardia si è messo subito all’inseguimento. Durante la fuga i militari si noticed that the windows were thrown, the Renault of plastic wrap. They saved the points of the road where they had seen flying off the casings from the cockpit of the Renault. But they never lost contact with the car in front of them.
meanwhile warned the central operational control of Crema. The speakers were the crews of the company of cream. The goal was to trap the Renault Camira.
The three men on board knew and when they arrived at Camira, abandoned the car and fled on foot. The seizure of heroin

The police rushed him to the fugitives had left shortly after the Renault. They ended up in handcuffs Massimiliano M., 37, of Pianengo, and T. Jawad, 26, a Moroccan with a regular residence permit and residing in the province of Reggio Calabria .
The third managed to escape. The police have organized a line to stop it. They continued to look into the night. But to no avail. Meanwhile the police have traced the journey made during the flight from Renault. Thanks to the notes he had taken before were able to recall five cellophane wrappers with heroin inside. In all
347 grams. "It 's been a good operation," said the captain of Antonio Savino, "this is not a quantity of narcotic to be underestimated. But it is possible that the drug may be lost during the flight. "


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