Come facciamo ogni terzo lunedì del mese, anche il 17 gennaio 2011 abbiamo fatto la lezione mensile di cucina casalinga italiana a Kokura, in provincia di Fukuoka.
I preparativi, come al solito, sono iniziati alle 12:50. La lezione è cominciata alle 13:30 ed è finita verso le 16:30. Eravamo 9 donne e 1 uomo.
Oggi le cose da fare non erano molte, per questo ho portato della farina di mandorle e lo zucchero alla vaniglia per fare dei dolcini alle mandorle, fuori menu.
had to use lard, which I bought, but I did see have it as home made. I brought a piece of bacon that I cut into small pieces and get going on a low heat for 15 ~ 20 minutes, poured the liquid leaked and made it cool. After a couple of hours was well thickened and could be used. We have also eaten by the advanced greaves lard melted.

We are trying to achieve regional recipes, though not always the equipment and ingredients are the most suitable
. Quantities are for 6 people.
- Quadrucci
in chicken soup - boiled chicken with sauce
- Calzoni baked

Quadrucci in chicken broth
500 g chicken pieces
celery, carrot, onion, tomatoes
salt, Parmesan
200 grams of semolina semolina
warm water 1 egg
Remove the skin to spare chicken and wash it, put in a pot with water along with the vegetables into pieces, salt and boil for 1 hour and a half. Set aside the chicken pieces and pour the broth.
Mix the flour with the egg, water and salt, let the dough rest for 30 minutes, then roll it out and make the noodles, cut into 1 cm to form the bricks.
Cook them in chicken broth, a little Parmesan cheese and ready.

Boiled chicken with sauce, salad and boiled chicken cracklings
the boiled vegetables boiled
garlic extra virgin olive oil, capers, salt and pepper
various herbs
Sprinkle chicken pieces with herbs chopped and set aside to warm.
For the sauce: fry the garlic in the oil ages dress, add the boiled vegetables puree, capers and pepper. Season with salt and cook for a few minutes.
Serve with the chicken and green salad.

Calzoni roasted almonds and sweets
0 150 grams of flour 10 grams of sugar
grams of lard or butter 1 / 2 teaspoon baking powder lyophilized
1 / 2 teaspoon salt
70 ~ 80 grams of water
ham and cheese pizza
little egg yolk for brushing
Mix flour, sugar, baking powder and add water. Mix and add little by little, lard and salt. Knead until the dough is well blended, pellet.
Let rise until doubled.
Dust the work surface with flour and roll the dough thin enough, cut discs from 10 ~ 12 cm, put in ham or sausage or bacon pieces and cheese pizza. Close to half moon, sealed the edges and slightly curl.
Place in a pan covered with parchment paper and let rilievitare again for 1 hour, brush with egg yolk and bake at 200 ° C for 20 ~ 25 minutes.
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I forgot to take pictures of the preparations, the time has flown by in a flash.
We ate and replaced the lecture hall.

Today we had a great time and we ate everything with style. Until next month
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