That is the mascot chosen by the traffic police in the province of Fukuoka (Japan) for road safety campaign launched 11 to December 31 (21 days)
Mackerel salt Last Thursday
(December 10), returning home in the car, I realized that the traffic of the road that was hijacked by the police walked in an alley. Instinctively, I checked a seatbelt was fastened, as always!
But what will all these hijacked machines, including my own?
But, beyond the bend that hid the continuation of the road, I saw on the roadside, along with many volunteers who delivered some police, motorists, the envelopes containing some leaflets on what to do and what not to do for the safety of road and a beautiful fish with salt, just mackerel.
The expression of the face of all of us drivers have changed peremptorily: to be preoccupied with disbelief ^ - ^
is to be noted that in Japan it becomes clear, "saba", the slogan of this campaign on road safety is the word "saba-saba" with the meaning of being good, feel safe. From here, the mascot "Saba".
Like all slogans, Forcing the words to give a particular meaning to the phrase.

These are the leaflets can be seen on some other things permitted and forbidden: you do not cross outside crosswalks, no joins when you ride, you have to stop at the stop, must stop before the shots red, etc..
Together there were also some small gadgets.

Mackerel we ate grilled with a sauce of grated daikon and soy sauce. Thanks to the police
^ - ^
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