My small garden, even today, continues to pay homage to his gifts.
In June, I planted the tomato plants , some buy and other
derived from the seeds of sun-dried tomatoes, which I have arrived from Italy last year, I planted in spring.

plants, though withered, continue to give flowers, but tomatoes are struggling to take on color.
Now I pulled up the leaves and discovered I left tomatoes, in the hope that mature.

But the green tomatoes are indeed numerous. Then, remembering the goodness of persimmon vinegar , I wanted
implement the same procedure for these gifts from my garden, so enjoy them for as long as possible.
Although still green, I picked up the smaller ones, leaving the stem attached.
I've washed and dried.

I've made a mixture with half white wine vinegar and half apple

This time I put the tomatoes in a container of clay and I covered them with wine and vinegar. In two weeks will be
pronti per essere usati.

Questi li ho preparati il mese scorso e stasera ne ho mangiati alcuni in insalata con altre verdure.

Questa strana insalata contiene: kaki, cavolfiore e pomodori verdi tutti sott'aceto, olive verdi e semi dei
pomodoro che ho usato oggi per il sughetto (mi spiaceva buttare i semini, in genere li mangio sul pane) .
Il tutto condito con aceto balsamico, olio, sale e noce moscata.
Sono contenta di non aver fatto sprecare questi pomodori che, causa mancanza di sole, stentano a prendere colore.
Ma, adesso che li ho tirati su, quelli piĆ¹ grandi, man mano, stanno maturando.
Speriamo, altrimenti li annego nell'aceto ^ - °! What are bad *-*!
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