On the basis of repeated studies, psychologists have identified as optimistic as the number one, on which depend the happiness and personal and professional success. There are three key typical optimist attitude, all three can be acquired through practice and repetition. First, the optimists looking for the positive in every situation. As things go wrong, they are constantly looking for the sunshine of reason to smile, the positive note. And, strangely enough, they find each volta.Secondo, take every setback as a lesson, the banner of 'what does not kill you makes you grow'. The optimist believes that every failure there is something to learn, and that each fall is an opportunity to get up a bit 'stronger and a bit' more saggi.Terzo, always look for the solution to the problem. When something goes wrong, instead of complaining and look for scapegoats on which to vent, take action and ask questions like, 'How can I fix it? What can I do right now? What would be the most logical next move in a situation like this? '. The true optimist, Moreover, he never loses sight of its objective and talks constantly. It's all focused on the future as to where will the next day, rather than remain bogged down in the past and spend time with the commemoration of the day before. Look ahead, never to their spalle.Brian Tracy
(note on FB Elena Tordino)
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