Wednesday, December 23, 2009

2008 Honda Pilot License Plate Holder

cooking class of 21 December 2009

E 'from 16 April 2007 in Kokura, near Fukuoka, every third Monday of the month we do the lesson monthly Italian home cooking. What we have done well on December 21 last year.
preparations, as usual, began alle 12:50. La lezione è sempre dalle 13:30 alle 16:00 circa.

Eravamo in 12, di cui 10 donne e 2 uomini. Oggi, causa raffreddore, ci sono state tantissime assenze, tenendo conto che sono iscritte 20 persone.

- Orecchiette al pepe
- Lombata di maiale al cartoccio
- Erbazzone emiliano
- Il mio panettone

Orecchiette al pepe

Per le orecchiette

100 gr di farina debole
100 gr di semola rimacinata
poco sale
Per la salsa
due fette di pancetta fresca
1 cucchiaio di olio evo
2 o 3 pomodori
pepe black, parsley or basil salt

Mix flour, salt and water and make the orecchiette.
In a large skillet, brown, with olive oil, the bacon into squares.
cook pasta in boiling salted water, drain and add it to bacon in the pan and let it go and add the diced tomatoes.
Serve immediately and sprinkle with black pepper, add parsley.

pork loin baked

350 g pork loin
rosemary, sage, thyme, etc..
salt, pepper, extra virgin olive oil
1 / 2 lemon

Degrease the pork with salt and pepper. Put it in a spreadsheet aluminum with the chopped herbs and a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil. Let marinate for a couple of hours.
Add the lemon slices, close the aluminum and bake at 180 ° C for 45 minutes. Open the bag, squeeze the lemon and continue cooking for another 15 minutes.
slice and serve with green salad.

Erbazzone Emilia

180 grams of flour 20 grams of extra virgin oil

90 grams of cold milk 1 / 2 teaspoon salt Filling

250 grams of vegetables favorite

50 g bacon 3 heaping tablespoons of Parmesan
1 / 2 egg

parsley 1 clove garlic
salt, pepper and extra virgin olive oil

Mix quickly and put in fridge for about an hour.
In a frying pan, heat 3 tablespoons of olive oil, add the bacon and sauté a minute. Add chopped garlic and chopped vegetables, cook for 5-6 minutes.
Cool in a bowl, add parmesan cheese, egg, pepper and parsley, stir and adjust salt.
Divide the dough into two pieces and lay them on a distribution of the vegetables and cover with another. Close the edges and brush the surface with olive oil.
Bake at 200 ° C for 30-40 minutes. We
we have made 3, one with spinach, leeks and one with the last one with the chicory, the latter has been very successful.

My panettone

Piccolo reportage of photos of the cooking class!

But how hard it will make orecchiette .....????????

Difficult but fun ......!!!!!

To be repeated at home is absolutely .... !!!!!!!

I brought the cake I had done the day before, we
eaten with bitter orange marmalade home made (buona!!)

And, finally, we eat!

You see the face of the students are pleased that give these foods!

This year we finished shooting in January 2010.
Happy holidays to all!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Kmbd Bus Stop Chennai

A strange mascot for road safety

That is the mascot chosen by the traffic police in the province of Fukuoka (Japan) for road safety campaign launched 11 to December 31 (21 days)
Mackerel salt Last Thursday
(December 10), returning home in the car, I realized that the traffic of the road that was hijacked by the police walked in an alley.
Instinctively, I checked a seatbelt was fastened, as always!
But what will all these hijacked machines, including my own?
But, beyond the bend that hid the continuation of the road, I saw on the roadside, along with many volunteers who delivered some police, motorists, the envelopes containing some leaflets on what to do and what not to do for the safety of road and a beautiful fish with salt, just mackerel.
The expression of the face of all of us drivers have changed peremptorily: to be preoccupied with disbelief ^ - ^
is to be noted that in Japan it becomes clear, "saba", the slogan of this campaign on road safety is the word "saba-saba" with the meaning of being good, feel safe. From here, the mascot "Saba".
Like all slogans, Forcing the words to give a particular meaning to the phrase.

These are the leaflets can be seen on some other things permitted and forbidden: you do not cross outside crosswalks, no joins when you ride, you have to stop at the stop, must stop before the shots red, etc..
Together there were also some small gadgets.

Mackerel we ate grilled with a sauce of grated daikon and soy sauce. Thanks to the police
^ - ^

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Nico Robin & Nami Hot

The green tomatoes from my garden

My small garden, even today, continues to pay homage to his gifts.
In June, I planted the tomato plants , some buy and other
derived from the seeds of sun-dried tomatoes, which I have arrived from Italy last year, I planted in spring.

plants, though withered, continue to give flowers, but tomatoes are struggling to take on color.
Now I pulled up the leaves and discovered I left tomatoes, in the hope that mature.

But the green tomatoes are indeed numerous. Then, remembering the goodness of persimmon vinegar , I wanted
implement the same procedure for these gifts from my garden, so enjoy them for as long as possible.
Although still green, I picked up the smaller ones, leaving the stem attached.
I've washed and dried.

I've made a mixture with half white wine vinegar and half apple

This time I put the tomatoes in a container of clay and I covered them with wine and vinegar. In two weeks will be
pronti per essere usati.

Questi li ho preparati il mese scorso e stasera ne ho mangiati alcuni in insalata con altre verdure.

Questa strana insalata contiene: kaki, cavolfiore e pomodori verdi tutti sott'aceto, olive verdi e semi dei
pomodoro che ho usato oggi per il sughetto (mi spiaceva buttare i semini, in genere li mangio sul pane) .
Il tutto condito con aceto balsamico, olio, sale e noce moscata.
Sono contenta di non aver fatto sprecare questi pomodori che, causa mancanza di sole, stentano a prendere colore.
Ma, adesso che li ho tirati su, quelli più grandi, man mano, stanno maturando.
Speriamo, altrimenti li annego nell'aceto ^ - °! What are bad *-*!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Building Checklist Template

cooking class of 16 November 2009

Even today, 16 November, Kokura, near Fukuoka, like every third Monday of the month we had our usual monthly lesson of Italian home cooking.
Preparations started at 12:50, the lesson at 13:30 and ended at about 16:00.

We were in 13, including 11 women and 2 men. Even today there were some absences, members are 20, but inevitably there are those who are unable to come.

Menu - Minestrone
- Ischia
Chicken - stuffed with bacon
Appetizers - Salad

soup 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, celery, onion, mushrooms,
pumpkin, peas, zucchini, eggplant, spinach, etc..
salt plant

nut parmesan crust

wash and drain vegetables. Cut into pieces the same size if possible.
In a saucepan, pour in the oil and sauté the vegetables over low heat and cover.
Add the Parmesan rind in pieces, the vegetable stock and salt.
Cook for 50 minutes.
You can also mix and serve the sauce with slices of toast.

Chicken Ischia

400gr di pollo a pezzi
150 gr di pomodoro
2 spicchi d'aglio
2,5 cucchiaio di olio evo
5-6 foglie basilico
1 rametto di rosmarino
25 ml di vino bianco
sale e pepe

In una grande padella antiaderente far soffriggere con l'olio gli spicchi d'aglio, unire i pezzi di pollo e far rosolare da tutti i lati per 10 minuti circa.
Salare, unire il rosmarino ed il vino, coprire e far cuocere a fuoco basso per altri 10 minuti.
Togliere il rosmarino ed aggiungere i pomodori (abbiamo usato i pezzettoni in scatola) ed il basilico, regolare di sale, mescolare e far cuocere ancora altri 10 minuti a fuoco moderato.
Pepare (non l'abbiamo fatto, andava bene senza) e servire con altro basilico fresco.

Stuzzichini ripieni di pancetta

15gr di parmigiano grattugiato
30gr di pancetta o prosciutto crudo
60 ml di acqua
15 gr di burro
30 gr di farina
1 uovo
sale e pepe
prezzemolo o altre erbe aromatiche

Far bollire l'acqua e burro, togliere dal fuoco ed unire la farina. Amalgamare velocemente con una frusta.
Rimettere sul fuoco per qualche istante, sempre mescolando fino a quando si stacca dalle pareti della pentola.
Togliere dal fuoco ed aggiungere l'uovo. Unire il parmigiano, pancetta o prosciutto a listarelle, prezzemolo o altre erbe aromatiche, sale e pepe ed amalgamare.
With a wet spoon, put a little paper in the molds.
Bake at 220 ° C for 10 minutes, continue for another 15 minutes at 200 ° C


Brazilian Lettuce, arugula and pickled khaki dressed with an emulsion of vinegar of khaki, olive oil and salt.

Piccolo reportage of photos of the cooking class!

It examines the soup of vegetables and the grandeur of the parties. They marvel at the delicate flavor, though decided on this good our local soup, perfect for these cold days. The fact fry the vegetables to make it really tasty. They were all excited. They all did an encore!

I had just showed how to make appetizers stuffed with bacon and I filled the molds, and so on, all the work!

The adjustment of fire, how to mix, etc.. hard enough.

Not to mention the problems associated with the filling of the molds, the dough stuck on the spoon and fingers, even though I had said to bathe.

But somehow we managed to complete this easy recipe. One mother said that they will do for them nell'obento daughter.

Too bad there are photos of the preparation of chicken!
From the original recipe is clear that the rabbit to Ischia, but here the rabbits are pets and not eat. For this we used chicken.

Instead there are a lot of eating when you ^ - ^

I brought my sandwiches al latte per fare la scarpetta ai sughetti!

Alla fine, anche se stanca, soddisfatta del piacere che ho letto sulla faccia di tutti ^-*
Erano tutti molto contenti del menu odierno!

Come sempre, bisogna sistemare e pulire, ma lo fanno tutti senza problemi.