Friday, December 17, 2010

Collapsable Mast 30feet

Mini-week game MAXY FUN! Part

Regolamento Mini Rugby

       ( dal libro "Mini Rugby" chi, cosa, dove, quando, perche' di Paolo Piersanti )

        From 7 to 15 years, at any age 'its rules.
Cosi 'known as a satellite broadcaster has prepared in connection with the recent World Cup, a game in regulation of pills for a more' immediate and easy to understand of its viewers, even in this book could not miss a sort of ad hoc rules, summarized and essential. To this I added the closing of our journey into Mini Rugby in the regulation drafted by the Child Study Center of the FIR, which describes all changes to the playing rules for various categories of young and young people aged 7 to 15 years. Moreover, as regards the categories under 7 and under 9, this sort of mini Regulation gives the sidelines of each rule also eloquent teaching notes that justify the change to the original rule. Basically, the goal of the game is to bring the ball over the goal line and crush the enemy on the ground thus marking 'a "goal." The team that wins a "meta" has the right to make a transformation (with a kick which will have 'hit the door by the form to H. Who has the ball can' be stopped with a 'tackle' by the team opponent, but the second 'very precise rules, the most' important of which prohibits the neck plate. Ma e' opportuno sottolineare che, rispetto al gioco vero e proprio, per i nostri bambini non vi sono le porte; infatti, si possono segnare punti solo portando la palla in meta. Ancor piu' nello specifico, nelle prime categorie, under 7 e under 9, non e' prevista la mischia ordinata come momento di ripresa del gioco, ne la rimessa laterale denominata "touch" (vedi il regolamento), ma si puo' giocare la palla solo con le mani. E' solo dalle categorie under 11 e under 13 che viene inserita la "mischia", pur senza spinta, insieme alla "touch" ma senza sostenere o innalzare i giocatori (potrebbe essere pericoloso per la schiena dei piccoli atleti), e la palla puo' iniziare ad essere calciata con i piedi, ma sempre con alcune precise limitations. To better understand the subdivisions of the junior categories, take for example the stable outlook for the 2007/2008 season: Under 7 - born in 2001. Under 9 - born in 1999 and 2000. Under 11 - born in 1997 and 1998. Under 13 - born in 1995 and 1996.

To download the rules click below:
Mini Rugby Regulations 2009/2010

school and area links Promotion to the official website of the Italian Rugby Federation


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