Saturday, June 5, 2010

Endometriosis Where It Hurts

Slimming and toning .. .. Here's how

Circuit training Related Articles

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There are at least four valid reasons for doing aerobic exercise after weight training is a better solution than the executable work before aerobic 'muscle-toning workout. (Such reasons are fully explained in the article: weights and aerobics)

However, even the first solution has small gaps. Some studies have shown that the ' aerobic workout, especially if continued for long and medium to high intensity, leads to an inhibition of previously stimulated muscle synthesis from training with weights. To solve this problem is to use an effective and fun method of training, known as circuit or circuit training .

This working method is based on the alternation of aerobic and anaerobic stations without interim stops .


Here is an example of circuit training for Ms Maria that he would like his muscle tone up and lose excess weight, especially in the thighs and buttocks.

Bike 5 minutes
BRIDGE 1 x 20
Crunch 1 x 20
Vertical row 1 x 15
Step 4 minutes
Crunch cat. 1 x 15
Chest press 1 x 15
Synchro 3 minutes
Abductor machine (with the body leaning slightly forward) 1 x 15
Adductor machine 1 x 15
Walking uphill (7-12%) 5 minutes
Lunges Dumbbell

walk in

1 x 24 steps

Recline 4 minutes
Repeat 2 times

Here we have emphasized the need to lose extra pounds accumulated mainly in the thighs and buttocks and we chose the circuit training because, according to some studies , peomuove localized slimming.

This argument is controversial and sees lined up on the one hand the so-called fitness guru experimental and other doctors from the international scientific community, which not yet accepted the definition of "localized slimming " .

What is certain and valid for many years is that there are some hormones that regulate body fat distribution . For example, the cortisol acts primarily in the trunk and abdomen, which favors the accumulation of fat. At the same time cortisol va ad intaccare la massa muscolare degli arti ed in particolare quella delle gambe.

Adottando strategie alimentari particolari ed abbinandole a programmi di allenamento corretti (come il circuit training) รจ possibile andare a controllare la secrezione di questi ormoni . Per esempio per ridurre i livelli di  cortisolo  occorre:

distribuire il fabbisogno energetico quotidiano in tanti piccoli pasti (5-6)

consumare sempre un'abbondante  colazione

limitare il consumo di  zuccheri e aumentare quello di carboidrati complessi

evitare allenamenti troppo lunghi e/o troppo frequenti

dormire almeno 7-8 ore night (but not too long)

adopt a lifestyle as much as possible oriented welfare aside the stresses of everyday life.



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