Wednesday, June 30, 2010

How Long Does Plan B Stay In Your Body

cooking class on 21 June 2010

On 21 June, as the third Monday of each month, we made the monthly Italian home cooking lesson in Kokura, near Fukuoka.
E 'more than a week passed since that day and only now I can get rid I beset by thousands of commitments in this period and publish this post.
preparations, as usual, started at 12:50, the lesson at 13:30 and lasted until 16:30 or so.

We were 11 women and 2 men. In this quarter (April / May / June) are 20 members.
Quantities are for 6 people.

In this quarter we are experiencing some Italian regional recipes, even if we are adapting to the ingredients and equipment.

- Spatzle (Trentino)
- sliced \u200b\u200blemon (Sardinia)
- Pardulas (Sardinia)
- Lettuce

Spatzle (Trentino)

250 grams of flour 200 ml milk 2 eggs

spinach and pumpkin 20 g butter 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil

30 g bacon 1 / 2 cup white wine

100 ml of cream cheese, salt and pepper

Cook in the microwave the spinach and pumpkin separately. Sieve.
Mix flour, milk, eggs and salt. Divide the dough into three parts, add in the mashed pumpkin, spinach puree in the second and third a couple of tablespoons of flour.
Starting from a simple batter, along with the pumpkin and ending with the spinach: Pour the batter in the potato masher to make large holes and cadere gli gnocchi nell'acqua bollente. Raccoglierli con il mestolo forato e passarli in una ciotola piena d'acqua. Quindi sgocciolarli e farli asciugare in un canovaccio.

Soffriggere la pancetta nel burro e olio, sfumare con il vino, unire la panna ed il parmigiano, salare e pepare.
Unire gli gnocchi alla salsa e servire subito.

Straccetti al limone (Sardegna)

400 gr di manzo
1/2 bicchiere di vino bianco
3 cucchiai di olio evo
4 acciughe salate deliscate
1 limone
sale e pepe

Far macerare nel vino la carne con sale, pepe e parsley for a couple of hours. Every now and then give a stir.
Clean the anchovies and add to lemon juice.
Brown the meat with extra virgin olive oil, add the bottom of the marinade and a little water. Cover and cook for 30 minutes.
Remove the meat and keep warm. In the cooking put the anchovies and lemon juice, dry on high heat. Combine this sauce to the meat.

Pardulas (Sardinia)

60 g flour 20 g water 10 g butter

little salt 100 g cheese
30 grams of flour 1 teaspoon saffron

1 / 2 egg yolks 30 g sugar

veo lemon sugar, salt

Mix flour, water, room temperature butter and salt, and cover with a round bowl. Combine the ricotta
: flour, egg yolks, sugar, saffron, lemon zest and mix with a spatula. Fore balls.
Spread the dough thinly and cut into disks of 10 cm. Put a ball in the center and close at 8 points.
Bake at 180 ° C for 30 minutes.
Cool to sprinkle with powdered sugar.


salad and cucumber dressed with olive oil, salt and pepper.

************************************************ ************************************************** *********************
And now, you mangiaaaaaaaa !!!!!! Finally!!

Even today appreciated all the food, having fun in the preparation!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Women Who Love Flashing

Champion'cup Camira, video produced by Fabio Venturelli

Monday, June 28, 2010

Play Planet Pinball Funbrain

the face .. "I do not have time to train ..." Rugby &

Tabata Protocol

By Dr. Nicola Sacchi

The Tabata Protocol was created in the 90s by a Japanese scientist and has shown exceptional improvement in both the aerobic power that anaerobic capacity of an athlete. The Tabata is
in alternating 20 seconds at 170% of VO2max , so basically as fast as physically accessible, 10-second pause, for 7 or 8 sequences of a given year, for a total of 4 minutes activities.
Protocollo Tabata During rigorous scientific studies, the Tabata protocol has been shown to produce enormous benefits on the physical body in just 6 weeks, both aerobic and increase VO2max greater degree than classical aerobic activity, and anaerobic conditions, increasing the ability to accumulate oxygen debt .
Questi studi dimostrano come l'attività ad intensità massimale sia in grado di migliorare alcune componenti delle capacità aerobiche, in misura maggiore rispetto all'attività aerobica stessa, nonostante sia comunemente ritenuto valido il concetto opposto.
Il test originale è stato svolto su cicloergometro, ma si possono ottenere risultati simili anche con altri esercizi, come ellittica , corsa, skip, burpee e mezzi squat.
L'obiettivo del protocollo Tabata consiste nel portare la frequenza cardiaca ai massimi livelli sostenibili, utilizzando al massimo le capacità fisiche della persona. Attraversi le brevi pause di 10 seconds, allowing you to take a little breath and dispose of part of the lactic acid produced , the Tabata Protocol allows you to continue at the highest levels of intensity for a longer period of time, until you get to run very hard on September 8
This type of activity in just 4 minutes produces a very high oxygen debt, which continues at the end of training, all of which can be considered the cause of the beneficial effects on the conditioning of the athlete. Try it ...

The Tabata Protocol is already used frequently in athletic sports, the ring, where both work time that the way to engage energy systems are very similar (maximum power for sequences of shots lasting several seconds, alternating with short phases of study, for the duration of a full recovery). To perform Tabata
you should avoid weight bearing exercises, because the fatigue must be organic and not muscle, this clarification was made because you can see on the Internet protocols Tabata performed with a variety of tools for strength training (barbells, kettlebells etc.. ), but this performance hardly has the same oxygen debt.

To learn more, consult these publications: The

Tabata et al. Metabolic profile of high intensity intermittent exercises. Med Sci Sports Exer 1997 Mar; 29 (3) :390-95. The
Tabata et al. Response: Metabolic profile of high intensity intermittent exercises. Med Sci Sports Exer 1997 Sep; 29 (9): 1276. The
Tabata et al. Effects of moderate-intensity endurance and high-intensity intermittent training on anaerobic capacity and VO2max. Med Sci Sports Exer 1996 oct, 28 (10) :1327-30.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Replacing Cigarette Lighter In Ford Focus

school .. the Scottish example

(from rightrugby blog )
We find below the news from the BBC and I translate it as it is. Just saying that's how it works: Federations that make up mean that teachers and staff of the clubs undertake that work on teenagers. The rest follows and must be managed, but only if there exists only the first stadio.Aggiungiamo which, incidentally, Scotland has recently jumped from ninth to seventh place in the world ranking. Meditate people meditate ... The Scottish rugby players rejoice over the increase in Scottish Rugby (the Federation) announced that he had exceeded the target it had set to increase by more than 50% the number of practitioners - two years ahead of the deadline . It attributes this success to the stable growth of practitioners of rugby played in state schools. "We have specifically pointed to the early years of secondary schools, classes S1 - S3 (from 11/12 to 14/15 years ndt) - the years when the behaviors are formed, "says nota.Oggi 25.000 shall be declared under-18 players taking part in regular tournaments, rugby, compared with 15,000 four years ago. The number of schools in which they practice regularly rugby has risen from 184 in 2008 to more than 240 in 2010.Secondo the governing body of rugby in Scotland, these numbers indicate the success of a strategy that rewards and offers support to those school teachers who offer their time to promote extra-curriculum activities (*) rugby and a network connecting more than 75 leaders of youth rugby in club.Nel 2006, Scottish Rugby had set a target to increase practitioners from 24.500 to 38.000 by 2012 and, in anticipation the annual meeting next Saturday, was made public that had already been reached 38.500 this year. The head of community rugby Colin Thomson Federation, himself a former teacher of PE (physical education) said: "This growth recent remains fragile and should be supported, now serves up to five years to become practitioners adults is that children continue to have the opportunity to play rugby every passing year. "" If we want to bring the 2014 Commonwealth Games in Glasgow we should be equally serious about the practice of our sport in state schools (the middle and high schools, ndt) - because if we do not play there, we will not go anywhere. "" It 's important che sia offerta a tutti i giovani la possibilità di frequentare sport extra-curriculum (*) e nei club durante tutti i loro anni scolastici"."Per fare ciò, ci serve più supporto e riconoscimento tangibile agli insegnanti che gestiscono lo sport dopo l'orario scolastico, per edificare una cultura sana e attiva in tutte le scuole".
(*): le attività extra - curriculum sono corsi in campi estranei alle materie di studio, eseguiti fuori dagli orari standard ma organizzati dalla scuola e proposti agli studenti, che vi aderiscono su base volontaria.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Syphilis Sore Popping

Maximize anabolism naturally tanned and protected

Vorrei cercare di aiutare tutte quelle persone che si allenano da diversi anni, diciamo almeno 3 or 4, and for one reason or another, are not entirely satisfied with the results obtained or maybe just do not get them over with the same ease as when they were early in their training with you pesi.Sicuramente will be involved and will also try to consume a quantity of protein adequate growth (at least 2.2 g / kg), and perhaps also protein intake divided into 6 small meals to maintain a constant intake of nutrients , consuming complex carbohydrates also in favor of simple ones (sugars and starches white) is preferred healthy fats, however, probably will not be considered the most important moments che la giornata ci riserva per accrescere l'anabolismo corporeo in modo semplice e naturale.Con qualche piccolo, ma intelligente, accorgimento, nel giro di un paio di mesi noterete guadagni considerevoli in termini di massa muscolare e prestazione sportiva, semplicemente seguendo alcune piccole regole.E' bene ricordare che un atleta che vuole crescere muscolarmente deve consumare almeno 2,2 g di proteine per kg di peso, 4 di carboidrati complessi - eccetto nei momenti specificati in cui sono preferibili gli zuccheri - e 1 grammo di grassi se possibile salutari, tuttavia è FONDAMENTALE che si alleni con una grande costanza ed una grande intensità per usufruire al meglio dei nutrienti che inserisce con la dieta:sarebbe impensabile normal for an athlete, for example one of the many bicyclists on Sunday or an amateur, consume 2 or more grams of protein per pound of weight, 1.5 had already more than enough, while for an athlete who makes the anaerobic activity end of muscle growth his belief, it is essential to supply nutrients to the muscle to really crescere.E 'basic also drink lots of water, even 3-4 liters per day (1 liter per 20 kg body weight) and if possible away from meals, limited to 1-2 glasses during the meal, not to swell and flood the digestion, to keep the body clean and hydrated and your muscles more oxygen-rich nutrienti.Inoltre is important to perform at least 2 sessions weekly aerobics to render the heart efficient and improve performance, as well as harness the benefits of running in raising the good cholesterol HDL and improving the capacity polmonari.Seguendo these simple directions and making the best time of day that the body holds out to us grow, at other times trying to eat healthy foods, complex carbohydrates, proteins and healthy fats, will be much easier to restart the engine of muscle growth even when, after several years of training, it was a bit 'raffreddato.1) Recharge the glycogen stores (muscle and liver) upon waking:
drink a mixture of serum proteins quick release to start the flow of amino acids in muscle catabolism and lock at night, along with about 500 ml of an energy drink zuccherina.ES. wake up, first thing, even before bathing and dressing, if you can, consumed 0.5 g protein / kg (eg 40 g protein if you weigh 80 kg) whey, ie whey, which are now in circulation, thanks to the impetus generated by insulin, anabolic hormone par excellence, which stimulates natural drinking about 500 ml (one bottle) of a high sugar energy drink such as Gatorade or sugar Energade.Al awakening Excess fat cells will not end in bodies as carriers for the genesis of new fatty acids, but the stocks of recharge liver and muscle glycogen . Consumed this initial drink, wash, dress and if you can, about a 'hours after drinking all dine solido.L' ideal would eat scrambled egg whites (1 egg white every 12 kg of weight, if you weigh 80 kg then 6-7 egg whites) with a few slices whole (3-4, one per 20 kg body weight) for a prolonged release of AA in the morning, as the eggs (in this case the egg white) protein sources in the medium-slow fiber rilascio.Le provided by food integrale moduleranno l'assorbimento delle proteine e rallenteranno la digestione garantendovi un afflusso di nutrienti quasi continuo sino al prossimo pasto2) ottimizzare il pre e post allenamento e anche il durante:
nel pre workout è opportuno consumare circa 20 g di proteine di whey (1 g ogni 4 kg di peso) mezz'ora prima di iniziare ad allenarsi, poi subito prima di cambiarsi per la palestra, già nello spogliatoio, assumere una compressa di BCAA da 1 g con ratio 2:1:1 ottimale (come tutti gli integratori moderni di BCAA) ogni 20 kg di peso (esempio se peso 100 kg ne assumerò 5).
Iniziare quindi l'allenamento con un riscaldamento aerobico per muovere a bit ' metabolism and improve the absorption of branched chain amino acids, which play an important role in preserving muscle from catabolism, ie, from using its own amino proteins to generate profits for energy and also carry on the effort when glycogen stores are depleted, which is about 20-25 minutes after starting an intense anaerobic exercise: the muscle BCAA will use the input from the outside while maintaining their training proteine.A half consume 50% of the dose of BCAA taken at ' start (eg if I have taken the top five, they consume another 2.5 to 1 g tablets).

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Homemade Indian Womens Boobs

Belli ..

Getting a tan perfect

A nice tan, but also long-lasting, like everyone, but to avoid sunburn, get a healthy, uniform is very important to know how to choose the right products.
Protection Under the sun you should always protect themselves, whether it has a fair complexion and skin that is dark or already tanned skin. The choice of protective Solar should be done according to your skin type , time of day when one is exposed, the area (eg, mountains, tropical, Mediterranean, etc.). and the presence of reflecting surfaces (eg snow, sand , sea, etc...) The calendar will be chosen based on the protection factor, a number that gives an indication on how long you can stay in the sun by applying this product before it burns the skin, the choice pharmacist can be instrumental. The protection will be implemented at least half an hour before sun exposure to allow the active ingredients to pass through the surface layer of the skin. The application also will be renovated during the day: in fact sweating, rubbing with the beach towels, bathrooms and showers are frequent, or an uneven application reduces the protective capacity of the product. The constant application of a sunscreen ensures improved hydration of the upper layers of the skin, helping to maintain your tan longer.
Which sunscreen product to choose?
product lines offer various solar products, cream, oil, milk, gel, spray, water heater. In general, creams and gels are indicated for the face or body parts is not extended (eg, shoulders and neck), while the other formulazioni sono indicate per tutto il corpo. Gli oli solari, che normalmente hanno fattore di protezione basso, conferiscono lucentezza alla pelle, il che facilita la penetrazione delle radiazioni, ma non sono consigliabili nel caso di carnagioni chiare. Infine, meglio optare per prodotti resistenti all'acqua, in grado di mantenere la loro efficacia anche dopo 40 minuti di immersione nell'acqua. Questi prodotti hanno una migliore persistenza sulla pelle e sono indicati soprattutto se si suda molto o si fanno bagni frequenti.
[torna su]
Ottenere una bella abbronzatura si può...
Oltre ad utilizzare un protettivo solare adeguato, basta seguire some simple precautions:
Expose yourself gradually: in the early days of vacation by the sea should gradually accustom the skin to the sun. The tan surface of the first day is due to retention of melanin already available and is destined to disappear quickly and only after about a week begins to form lasting tan.
You can not stay in the sun when and how much you want : Remember that the best time to sunbathe in the morning till 11 and late afternoon. Avoid the hottest hours of the day (from 12 to 15).
keep moving : in this way the sun's rays are distributed homogeneously throughout the body.
After a pleasant swim is dry in the sun, mind you, the lens-effect of water droplets on the body can promote sunburn and dehydration.
Pay attention to diet. Foods rich in vitamins are able to provide the proper hydration to the skin: Vitamin C (found in abundance in peppers, citrus and kiwi), E (eggs and broccoli) and A - beta carotene (vegetable or red-fleshed yellow). Food supplements based on beta-carotene help to give a nice golden color, even if they do not provide protection against ultraviolet radiation.
Self Tan, yes or no? The self-tanning turn out to be a good ally for suntan lovers: make it possible to get a good skin pigmentation, though destined to disappear within 2 or 3 days, in a few hours in the absence of sunlight. So good for the first few days, even when the skin is not tanned, as they can produce a beautiful golden color, but once back in town to keep it longer. Warning: self-tanners do not confer any protection against ultraviolet radiation.
And finally, the after-sun: after the exposure because the skin must be moisturized to remain elastic. A moisturizer or an after sun product (which contains substances soothing and refreshing) take on this task, bearing in mind that the skin renews itself continuously, eliminating the surface layers, so the tan is destined to disappear sooner or later.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Can You Get Herpes On Forehead

"I'm going running to lose weight ..?!".. lost time!

high intensity training and weight loss

By Dr. Nicola Sacchi

See also: because aerobic training is counterproductive ; heart rate for weight loss

Believe that the best way to lose weight is to do aerobic activity ? Se sì, vi sbagliate di grosso, perché diversi studi dimostrano come l’ allenamento ad alta intensità  sia più efficace dell’attività aerobica nel promuovere il dimagrimento.
Alta intensità per dimagrire Questi interessantissimi studi confutano tutto ciò che è sempre stato detto sull’ allenamento dimagrante . La maggior parte degli addetti ai lavori, i mass media e gli esperti in materia, hanno sempre promosso l’attività aerobica come la strategia più efficace per dimagrire, ma tutte queste persone si sbagliavano di grosso, perché esistono numerosi studi, alcuni eseguiti già alla fine degli anni novanta, che confrontando l’attività ad alta intensità con quella aerobica mostrano che la prima promuove il dimagrimento più della seconda. 
In questo articolo verranno mostrate alcune di queste ricerche.

Innanzitutto, per capire fino in fondo questi studi bisogna definire correttamente cosa sono l’attività aerobica e l’attività ad alta intensità.

  • Per esercizio aerobico si intende un’attività motoria svolta a modesto impegno cardio-circolatorio, con intensità costante e tale da permettere di protrarre questo sforzo per parecchi minuti. Per essere aerobico, un esercizio deve permettere al corpo di utilizzare l’ossigeno per produrre energia. Quando l’intensità dello sforzo sale troppo la quantità di ossigeno available is not enough, and the body uses so-called anaerobic systems supplementatre to produce energy, increasing the production of lactate . To be considered an aerobic exercise is necessary to measure its intensity and to assess precisely the body does not build up lactic acid. This measurement can be performed through different techniques more or less accurate, although clearly the direct measurement of blood lactate concentration is the most accurate. In practice, as well as in gym, but is used as the reference heart rate . Therefore, to quantify the intensity of sforzo si usa calcolare la frequenza cardiaca di  soglia anaerobica , oltre la quale il corpo non riesce più a produrre energia sufficiente sfruttando le sole vie ossidative. Questa frequenza abitualmente si considera come l’85% circa della  frequenza cardiaca massimale ; tale assunzione presenta un certo margine di errore, però negli studi utilizzati viene considerata il riferimento per separare l’allenamento aerobico da quello ad alta intensità. Pertanto, per attività aerobica si considera quella svolta al disotto di questa frequenza cardiaca.
    Per maggiori dettagli su questa definizione potete  consultare altre pagine di questo sito .
  • L’attività high intensity may develop in various ways, such as using muscle exercises. In this case we consider this an exercise that brings the heart rate above the lactate threshold, since the studies examined use this parameter to define the same training protocol as high intensity. This work is commonly called High intensity interval training (HIIT ) or high intensity intervals. Personally, I consider it superfluous, the term "interval", since this activity being strictly anaerobic not be tolerated by the body for long periods and it is therefore inevitable that it is alternating lower intensity activities, to ensure the continuity of the same, so the recovery interval is a necessary condition for continuing training and, as such, is redundant in the definition of the type of training. For this reason it will be simply called high intensity training.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Lucusville Fleemarket Dates

sports, associated with a proper diet , is the best way to prevent or curb the state of overweight, at high levels, obesity is defined and is a serious risk to health.

in Italy is estimated that over 4 million people , between adults and children who are in situations of obesity. It 's a very debilitating situation, which raises the risk of contracting cardiovascular disease and insulin resistance . The very overweight can cause hypertension, tendency to sodium retention and hypercholesterolemia. We identify

in regular physical activity, and control the share of calories taken with food, the first and most effective lines of resolution of the problem because only a small percentage of obese, has genetic causes or metabolic disorders that determine their weight.
E 'possible to distinguish two types of obesity: android (typical male and that, moreover, increasing their exposure to risk) and gynoid (characteristic of females). The
adipose tissue consists of cells white and brown cells.

white cells tend to replace the cells with brown over time, can accumulate more fat and have the ability to secrete TNF and cytokines .
brown cells are particularly distributed in subjects exposed to low temperatures in neonates. The "brown fat" is richly vascularized, and is localized mainly at the gut level.

Another feature of adipose tissue is the ability to produce leptin, a protein able to act on the hypothalamus by limiting the sense of hunger. Its output is proportional to the presence of body fat. However, often, it creates a form of leptin resistance that dramatically reduces its effectiveness. In the early stages of the production of weight loss Leptin tow and this could partly explain the increase in hunger. On the other receptors in the hypothalamus are more sensitive to its decline than to its increase.

The hypothalamus is also influenced by that ghrelin stimulates it to increase the desire to eat, and is a protein, especially present in individuals with low-calorie diet.
These mechanisms of "defense" of the body, apart from the sociological implications, are easy to understand that a very restrictive diet (crash dieting), in addition to setting out potential risks, is hardly sustainable in the long run.

Therefore, the situation di equilibrio ideale, risiede nella corretta alimentazione (e non nella temporanea sottoalimentazione) associata ad uno stile di vita attivo.

Tratto da: A scuola di fitness , di Pierluigi De Pascalis, Ed. Calzetti Mariucc

Gas Leaf Shredder Mulcher

The fitness and obesity include any time but we remember how it's done?!

Il sistema cardiovascolare

Il sistema cardiovascolare è costituito da tre elementi:

(1) il sangue - un fluido che circola per il corpo e che porta sostanze alle cellule e ne allontana altre;

(2) i vasi sanguigni - condotti attraverso which the blood circulates;

(3) the heart - a muscular pump that distributes blood flow in the vessels.

The cardiovascular system can deliver substances throughout the body more quickly than you can do the spread, since the molecules in the blood move in the liquid assets such as particles of water in a river. In the bloodstream the molecules move faster because they do not proceed at random, forward-backward or zig-zag as in the spread, but precise and orderly.
Blood flow is so crucial for our existence that if blood flow is stopped at some point, we would lose consciousness within a few seconds and spirit after a few minutes. Of course the heart has to perform its function continuously and correctly, every minute and every day of our lives.


The heart is contained in the center of the rib cage, located in front and slightly to the left. Its shape roughly resembles that of a cone, whose base is facing up (right), while the tip is pointing down toward the left.
The myocardium, the heart muscle that allows the heart to contract, sucking blood from the periphery e pompandolo nuovamente in circolo.
Internamente, il cuore è rivestito da una membrana sierosa, detta endocardio. Esternamente, invece, il cuore è contenuto in un sacco membranoso detto pericardio, che costituisce lo spazio entro il quale il cuore è libero di contrarsi, senza dover per forza dare luogo ad attriti con le strutture circostanti. Le cellule del pericardio secernono un liquido che ha il compito di lubrificare le superfici per evitare tali attriti.

La cavità del cuore è divisa in quattro aree: due aree atriali (atrio destro e atrio sinistro) e due aree ventricolari (ventricolo destro e ventricolo sinistro).

Le due cavità di destra (atrio e ventricolo) are communicating with one another through the right atrioventricular orifice, which is periodically closed by the tricuspid valve. The two cavities are in communication through the left atrioventricular orifice left by the cyclically closed bicuspid valve or mitral valve.

cuore anatomia  fisiologia

The right cavities are completely separated from the cavity of the left, this separation is performed by two weeks: the septal (which separates the two atria) and the interventricular septum (which separates the two ventricles).

The operation of the tricuspid valve (three flaps connective) and the mitral valve (formed by two edges connective) allow blood to flow along one direction, starting from the atria, right up to the ventricles, and not vice versa.

The right ventricle originates from the pulmonary artery, and is separated from this through the pulmonary valve (consisting of three flaps of connective). The left ventricle is separated from the aorta through the aortic valve, which has a morphology quite comparable to the pulmonary valve.
These two valves allow blood to flow from the ventricle to blood vessel (pulmonary artery and aorta), and that this can change direction.

The right atrium receives blood from the periphery through two veins : the superior vena cava and inferior vena cava. This blood, known as venous, and low in oxygen reaches the heart muscle because of reoxygenation. In contrast, the left atrium receives arterial blood (oxygen rich) from the four pulmonary veins, so that the blood can be passed around and carry out its mission: reoxygenate and give nutrients to various tissues.

The heart, like skeletal muscle, it contracts in response to an electrical stimulus: for skeletal muscle this stimulus comes from the brain through various nerves to the heart, however, the pulse shape so self in una struttura chiamata nodo seno-atriale, da dove l'impulso elettrico raggiunge il nodo atrio-ventricolare.

Dal nodo atrio-ventricolare origina il fascio di His, che conduce l'impulso verso il basso; il fascio di His si divide in due branche, quella di destra e quella di sinistra, che discendono rispettivamente sul versante destro e sinistro del setto interventricolare. Questi fasci vanno progressivamente ramificandosi, raggiungendo, con le loro ramificazioni, tutto il miocardio ventricolare, dove l'impulso elettrico produce la contrazione del muscolo cardiaco.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Witty Invitation Wording

SOS Heating

oltissime donne e negli ultimi anni altrettanti uomini, si risvegliano una mattina di marzo-aprile, puntualmente every year with a single idea: get in shape for summer costume emblazoned test.

And like every year resort to last-minute registrations the gym, dieting and unlikely to make the already thriving multimillion-dollar companies miraculous pills and creams.
Result? On the beaches in August, these people will be showcasing little or no results, dissatisfaction with their own forms and more empty wallets.

And every year the same story! How to work around this? The trick is : turning head first and then the body will follow suit. This means che bisogna partire dal modificare alcuni modi – errati – di pensare e di comportarsi: solo così sarà possibile non arrivare alle porte dell’estate con i chili in più, tono muscolare scarso e tanta tanta voglia di avere un corpo nuovo.

Mettersi o rimettersi in forma non deve essere concepito alla stessa stregua di rifarsi il trucco o indossare un abito nuovo, cioè come una facciata da mostrare quando ci si spoglia dei vestiti di città, ma come un modo per restare in salute. E chi vorrebbe godere di buona salute solo per pochi mesi all’anno? Così facendo non si dovrà correre ai ripari dell’ultimo momento, ma si riuscirà a mantenersi in forma per tutto l’arco year. Many people never manage to start a sport or a healthier diet and controlled because they think that they are required undue effort. And indeed, if it is assumed to begin in April and August to show the results on the beach, the efforts - among other useless - will be so many and exhausting to pass to whoever is willing to persevere. Begin, instead, to small steps, without presuming to obtain immediate results by movie stars, will allow anyone to stay healthy all year, not last-minute scramble with tricks and pull off a beach in physique.

And then there's the mentality of " all at once." We are not able to wait and appreciate the little progress, we are no longer able to apply toward achieving a goal that can not be reached tomorrow or next week. We want everything right away. And unfortunately, once again, here we are sadly to assess the results have not materialized at all. But why all this happens? How can we combat this mentality? First, when we formulate a goal, it must have two characteristics: being concrete and be broken . Concrete means that we must place them front of the mirror and from our physical, from what we are prepared to apply sound nutrition and sports. It is not possible, as most do, put us in front of a magazine and set our goal as a famous person who is too different from us by age and body type (bone, height, metabolism, etc.).. Pieces, instead it means that we need to divide our goal in steps smaller and less distant in time, so as not to become discouraged and lose on the road.

And then another summer smash, there are pills, teas and other magic potions sold a bit 'everywhere. Who has not done groped at least once? And what is your experience or that of your friends are really effective? Who has ever met someone whose fitness has been reshaped by these concoctions really? If you learn to read all instructions and the composition of the pills, for example, we discover that it is mostly food supplements containing substances for most normally assume in our power . But there's more: all of these wondrous wonders an indication that reads something like: " adjuvant in low-calorie diets and adequate physical activity . This means that we will help you lose weight in combination with a reduced calorie diet and sport practiced consistently.

So the question is: Since we already know everything, because every year we continue to buy these "slimming"? The answer is less simple and concerns psychological effects that advertising has on us. Beautiful girls, virtually perfect from the body of the goddesses - who have not taken the supplement at all! - Chronological age less than twenty years, happy and admired by men offering performance. This is what gives us the spot: not a slimming, but a status . To be attractive, wanted and happy. And us mere mortals who lead a busy life and routine, we do not find the right time to train, and so that we can not work, run errands, make ends meet later this month to let us take a moment from dream brought in advertising. Yes, we'd also like to be. And then, wallets, buy and buy products and then end up disappointed and dissatisfied.

In many other cases there is then the 'effect delegation. Once you have purchased our prodotto “dimagrante” continuiamo a mangiare come prima e a muoverci meno di prima, delegando, appunto, al magico prodotto tutto il lavoro che c’è da fare. Riteniamo o ci illudiamo, in buona sostanza, che il prodotto da solo possa comunque concederci alcuni risultati. Il sedere scolpito o gli addominali definiti resteranno un miraggio.

Prendere coscienza dei nostri errori, può rappresentare il primo passo verso un acquisto più oculato di taluni prodotti spacciati come miracolosi, ma soprattutto verso un uso più consapevole del nostro corpo .

Nessuno continuerebbe a guidare la propria auto senza mai controllare l’olio o sostituire le gomme. E nemmeno qualcuno si sognerebbe never to introduce premium-grade fuel in diesel car. So why do we continue to treat our body as an enemy, to introduce junk food, do not ever move and give him diet, to submit to grueling training sessions all concentrated in one short period when it would be enough to treat it a bit 'better consistently? Probably married is that we have collected so many failures in the past between diet and fitness that we believe belong to that group of people who do not will never do it. But the truth is that we are not to be missed or not to be among the doomed one day be able to lose weight and be toned: the reality is we have always used the wrong method.

The right approach there is only one:

1. constancy : apply throughout the year from now and beyond the summer-

2. patience : quick results are a chimera, and do not last long. Never!

3. convinced that it is not a "special case " all of us without exception have the right credentials to do it;

4. moderation : overdoing it in sports fatigued only the muscles in disgrace. Overdo feeding (crash dieting, single-issue, too bland) are losing only liquids and good humor;

5. wanting best: do it for yourself and for your health and not how you look in the other two weeks of leave. You will see that you automatically will be established in new and unexpected behavior.

So roll up your sleeves and do not demoralizzatevi: if you had started last year rather than give up, how would you be today?

nb.Clicca on the picture to the right of first window of the blog, you iguardante integration testing and then send me an email to

Finding the right product for you to stimulate your new body.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Moncler Woodbury Outlet

costume ... .. why do it?!

Perform a good warm , before sports, is crucial. During the heating in fact, the body prepares for what will be the training itself, calling blood in the muscles, lubricating joints and relaxes muscles and tendons.

Cycling equipment

5-10 minutes pedaling on slow pace (perhaps by increasing the resistance in the last minute) represent a buon esercizio di riscaldamento e di preparazione per l’allenamento degli arti inferiori .

Salto con la corda

Ottima attività, da eseguire dopo qualche minuto di esercizi a corpo libero poiché, pur essendo un esercizio di riscaldamento , coinvolge in maniera intensa tutti i distretti muscolari. Anche " da solo " è un ottimo esercizio per migliorare la funzionalità cardiocircolatoria e la coordinazione.

Simulatore indoor di sci

E' un esercizio da considerare come una via di mezzo fra il riscaldamento e l'esercizio allenante vero e proprio. E' da effettuarsi a basse intensità e dopo qualche minuto di esercizi a corpo libero.

Treadmil, tapis roulant

Ottimo esercizio di riscaldamento, simula la corsa senza la necessità di recarsi in spazi aperti. E’ denominato anche tapis roulant , ed è ottimo, oltre che per il riscaldamento, come anti-fatigue at the end of training. In both cases is to use low-medium intensity.


variant exercise bike, allows a general warming but particularly the lower limbs. Effectively activates the cardiovascular system and respiratory system.

Read more

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Rose Mcgowan Undressed

Forget the calories!

To lose weight simply introduce fewer calories than you consume. How many times have we heard this phrase? This concept is simple enough to understand how difficult. In reality there are several areas where diets are too strict not always the most effective way to weight loss, Let us examine the causes.

calorie dimagrimento


A 'excessive caloric restriction results in the reduction of basal metabolism and the body gets used to survive on less calories, lowering his duties. This phenomenon results: decrease in energy for daily activities, chronic fatigue, decreased libido, decreased muscle mass. An example? Assume that our daily caloric consumption of 2000 kcal is and we plan our diet in order to provide 1800 Kcal per day. The results do not wait and we begin to lose the first Kg and after about 30-40 days, however, we note that the progress will stop and further reduce our caloric intake until it is at 1600 Kcal. And even in this case after the first positive results we see a cessation of progress. Further reduce our caloric intake? If you want you can, but the diet will become more restrictive and difficult to seguire. Il nostro metabolismo basale diminuirà sempre più, i muscoli si presenteranno sempre più flaccidi ed il nostro corpo tenderà sempre più ad ottimizzare l'apporto calorico fornito dalla dieta. Basteranno poche saltuarie abbuffate per annullare ogni ulteriore calo di peso corporeo.


Non è così facile calcolare con esattezza il fabbisogno energetico quotidiano, specie per chi conduce una vita intensa e sregolata. Le continue variazioni dello stile di vita ( sonno , alimentazione, attività lavorativa e sportiva) incidono molto sul fabbisogno calorico totale. Inoltre il metabolismo basale viene spesso calcolato in base a valori prestabiliti senza tener conto della composizione corporea, delle abitudini alimentari, del sesso e dell'età del soggetto.


Il TID (azione dinamico specifica degli alimenti) rappresenta l'energia spesa dall'organismo per digerire, assorbire ed utilizzare il cibo introdotto con la dieta. Il TID varia in base al tipo e alla quantità di macronutrienti come riportato nella seguente tabella.

Macronutriente Fats Carbohydrates Protein Alcohol
TID (%) 0-3% 5-10% 20-30% 10-30%

Source: Acheson KJ, Westerterp KR 1983, 1999

An individual who consumes in their diet mainly proteins therefore needs about 20-30% more energy than a person who consumes mainly fat (assuming that the two subjects have the same body composition, the same lifestyle , age, sex, etc...)

also the calories coming from some food sources more conducive to accumulation of body fat than others (see: maintain constant blood sugar ). For example, the calories from sweets and simple sugars from cause more fat gain than calories from other food sources such as frutta, verdura, carne e pesce .

Tra l'altro un pasto ricco di proteine e grassi aumenta il rilascio duodenale di colecistochinina ( CCK ) una sostanza in grado di stimolare il senso di sazietà .


Dover ricorrere al peso preciso degli alimenti per rispettare l'introduzione calorica rappresenta uno dei maggiori ostacoli al calo ponderale. Sebbene questo aspetto sia molto importante, risulta di difficile e noiosa attuazione in quanto costringe l'individuo ad adattare la propria alimentazione balance. In addition there are variations in the composition of individual foods (eg, a apple can be more or less mature, fillet of beef can be more or less fat) that frustrate any attempt to comply with the precision required by the scheme calorie diet.


although the bond energy is fundamental to the success of any diet program, must not become the most important food in appearance. Caloric restriction should only be a characteristic of the diet that must take into account many other aspects, sometimes more important, a simple review of the calories.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Balcony Plant Holders

Happy hour? ! .. Sure you can (carefully)

L ' Happy Hour has become a major event of the "pre- evening," an' opportunity to be together "nibbling" and a drink, waiting to have fun dinner and after dinner . This
rite now glamorous, was born in England with another goal: to draw customers in time after work band between 17 and 18, practicing discount drink. In Italy was adopted changing a bit 'to its original nature combining the historical moment of ' aperitif with the result that, if the first was picking the' appetite , now we get to replace actually dinner. This practice, however, could take us full of calories between alcoholic drinks and snacks that if not kept in check, could turn this pleasant event in a snare for the beautiful and good waist.
The main mistake that is committed to participating in a Happy Hour, is to not consider a meal to all intents and purposes, believing that it is only a snack frugal. To get it right here some tips on how to navigate meats and cheeses, chips and sandwiches, salads, rice and peanuts .
Every time you find yourself in front of the buffet table , before beginning to plunder, remember that the tastiest dishes are usually also the most calories. This gives you an immediate idea of \u200b\u200bthe foods that can be taken and those that are just avoided. If the same food are different versions such as simple salad or mayonnaise , it is obvious that the choice should be without mayonnaise sull'insalata especially since both are filling the same way with the only difference of ' calories . When we have the opportunity to take the pasta and other foods directly from the tray, you should certainly get dressed in flat portions too, so you should avoid "fishing" too far by taking fat that accumulate on fund. Absolutely
to avoid are those snacks from the bar as fries, peanuts and pistachios that the terrible failure to be eaten easily. The problem is that a small portion of these foods is a as excessive caloric intake the chips have 536 calories per 100g, the 602 peanuts and pistachios 601. In this case, along with the calories you take too much salt that is responsible for water retention .
Even the drinks are dangerous because they mislead our sense of what calories do not fill, but make excess calories. To avoid having to choose beverages "old fashioned" such as fruit juice (although it would not be wrong), suggest a simple glass of sparkling wine, prosecco of or Bellini not exceed 80 calories per cup ( trying to limit themselves to a single glass!). In conclusion we can say that resist the temptations of 'Happy Hour is very difficult, but if you do not want to sacrifice or negate previous days of hard training is best not to let it go completely to the pleasures of worldly events.
A wise choice is to choose vegetables because, especially if you eat early, eat their fill and light if they are grilled, raw or pickled as those in oil should be avoided. If one night we
debauchery because we just could not resist, you can make up the remaining light giorno successivo mangiando verdure e molta frutta , che aiutano a compensare la disidratazione provocata dall'alcool e a non aggiungere ulteriori calorie riuscendo però a saziare. Per conoscere tutti i contenuti calorici dei cibi potete consultare la Tabella delle calorie .

Monday, June 14, 2010

Oxy Clean Oxy Clean?

Swollen abdomen

Siete perfettamente in regola con il peso forma eppure il ventre non è piatto come lo vorreste?
È il classico problema della pancetta, che rovina il fisico anche delle persone magre e longilinee.
La causa di quest'inestetismo non è, In fact, only ' accumulation of fat but can have different origins, such as hormonal imbalances some intestinal disease, or a little toned abdominal muscles. Some psychosomatic illnesses
may be the cause of the disorder: anxiety such as increased tendency to swallow air (bloating), which leads to bloating.
Finally some bad lifestyle can aggravate the problem. correct habits
• To prevent intestinal disorders that cause swelling, always eat slowly, sitting down, and chewed a lot. Avoid then hurried lunch at the bar or in the workplace. • Pay attention to state of Food and food allergies, which can cause colitis and therefore swelling. • Avoid alcohol the smoking, staying too many hours sitting or standing, and especially to prevent psychosomatic disorders of the intestine keep stress at bay . • Follow a diet of foods that are digested easily, such as pasta and rice, topped with light sauces and raw. • Some vegetables such as onions, lettuce, should not be eliminated from the diet, but try to be careful with the amount consumed and still try to prefer cooked vegetables that are more easily digestible. • Sometimes the bloating may be a result of water retention.
The causes can be hormonal imbalances. • The water retention can also be caused by excess sodium.
The latter problem can be solved with a diet rich in potassium using salt or low-salt and low water content of this mineral. The Green Board
is effective against water retention of the nettle tea. It should be taken regularly throughout the day, along with mineral water rich in potassium and magnesium, but low in sodium. The gym
To prevent the bacon can be useful strengthen the abdominal muscles.
seek to enhance that with specific exercises, and performing exercises your diaphragm making breathing properly and regularly.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

100 Facial Compilation

Diet and anti-aging strategies
According to recent estimates, the children nati all'inizio del ventunesimo secolo hanno un'aspettativa di vita di circa cento anni. L'invecchiamento della popolazione Italiana e globale è sotto gli occhi di tutti; grazie ai progressi della scienza e ad un miglioramento complessivo della qualità di vita, stiamo assistendo ad un costante aumento dell'età media degli individui. Invecchiare in modo attivo ed in autosufficienza rappresenta quindi la premessa fondamentale per godersi in serenità questo lungo periodo della vita.Come ogni obiettivo importante anche quello di frenare gli effetti negativi legati al passare del tempo, dev'essere perseguito con la giusta dose di impegno e determinazione.
Alcuni semplici accorgimenti da adottare sin dall'infanzia possono aiutarci ad affrontare la vecchiaia with confidence and vigor.
on the tables of developed countries the food has never been so plentiful as in recent years. Nevertheless, the qualitative aspect of food is often insufficient to maintain the optimal efficiency of the precious human machine. It is indeed a high-calorie food, a little filling and low in nutrients as minerals and vitamins. This paradox is the basis of the rising rate of obesity , a serious problem that is spreading so scary and disturbing. One of the fundamental prerequisites to lengthen and improve their lives is to maintain its normal body weight. This measure, which is not always easy to adopt, is able to prevent, by itself, a long list of diseases. Moreover, according to studies conducted successfully on many laboratory animals, an overall reduction in caloric intake appears to be one of the best ways to continue in the state of mental and physical efficiency that characterize youth. Without going to
malnutrition, which is an aggravation of the aging process, it is important to meet the needs of all essential nutrients (proteins, fats and carbohydrates, but also and above all, vitamins and minerals) do not overdo it with calories. In terms of quality nutrients that are scarce in the diet more frequently Westerners are just as minerals such as calcium, iron and zinc and some vitamins (A, E, D, folate , B1, B2 and C). E 'therefore essential to ensure the diet with a proper intake of food rich in vitamins and minerals such as fruits, vegetables, good fats (vegetable oils except for those tropical) and whole foods. Some vitamins, particularly E, or tocopherol, showed very strong antioxidant properties that can mitigate, by themselves, the impact of 'aging
article " supplements of vitamins " We have shown that it is always easy to cover the requirements of these nutrients and how in some circostanze, sia necessaria un'integrazione specifica. Un buon apporto di calcio e vitamina D è importante anche per prevenire l' osteoporosi .
Per difendersi dai radicali liberi il nostro organismo affianca agli antiossidanti derivanti dalla dieta, sistemi endogeni molto efficaci. E' stata dimostrata una relazione tra l'efficienza di tali meccanismi e la durata della vita di molte specie animali. Il modo migliore per aumentare il potere di questi sistemi antiossidanti endogeni è la regolare pratica di attività fisica. Questa salutare abitudine spiega come mai l'esercizio fisico faccia apparire più belle e giovani le persone che lo praticano con regolarità. Lo sport contribuisce anche a costruire una mentalità vincente e a migliorare il rapporto mente-corpo. Le crisi psicologiche causate dall'incapacità di reagire in maniera forte ad alcuni spiacevoli eventi della vita, contribuiscono ad accelerare il decadimento fisico dell'organismo.
Lo sport è anche il modo migliore per instaurare in modo del tutto naturale un quadro ormonale positivo. Esistono diverse teorie, molto in voga negli States ed ultimamente anche nel nostro Paese, che dipingono la terapia ormonale sostitutiva come il metodo migliore per vincere la lotta contro l'invecchiamento prematuro. La produzione e la secrezione degli ormoni su cui si basa tale terapia ( GH , testosterone ed il suo precursore DHEA ), è infatti nettamente higher in subjects who practice an active lifestyle and maintain their normal weight.
One of the most dangerous allies of aging is the ' hyperglycemia, a condition typically associated with diabetes . We know that in most cases there is a genetic predisposition to the disease and that this is heavily influenced by the lifestyle of the person (diet too rich in sugars and reduced physical activity). The fiber contained in fruits, vegetables and whole foods have a long list of factors including benefits include: stabilizing effect on blood sugar, increase satiety, cholesterol-lowering action , Prevention of overweight and obesity , improving function of the gastrointestinal tract and reduce the incidence of some cancers.

Cancer Risk Factors in the diet
Abuse of wine, beer and spirits in particular, lack of vitamin C , iron, zinc, nitrite and nitrate
mainly nitrites and nitrates content in sausages, smoked foods and dried , see the article on: nitrites and nitrates
Colon and rectum
Excess protein of meat Of vegetable oils (especially tropical ) and trans fats or hydrogenated , calcium supplements and / or lack of fiber in the diet
Abuse of alcohol and consumption of contaminated food ( heavy metals, toxins)
Excess alcohol

See also: the diet to prevent cancer
In the elderly, but also in many adults and children, the dehydration is a problem often overlooked. The reduction of thirst-related, associated with a diet that replaces all too often the water with spirits and soft drinks, is associated with a reduction of protein synthesis and an increase in adipose tissue. This deterioration of body composition opens the doors of obesity and decreasing physical and mental efficiency. We should therefore strive to sip water throughout the day, even in the absence of thirst.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Endometriosis Where It Hurts

Slimming and toning .. .. Here's how

Circuit training Related Articles

fitness circuit circuit training differentiated

Cardio fit training

The effects of circuit training in diabetics Type 2

Power walking circuit

Outdoor training

There are at least four valid reasons for doing aerobic exercise after weight training is a better solution than the executable work before aerobic 'muscle-toning workout. (Such reasons are fully explained in the article: weights and aerobics)

However, even the first solution has small gaps. Some studies have shown that the ' aerobic workout, especially if continued for long and medium to high intensity, leads to an inhibition of previously stimulated muscle synthesis from training with weights. To solve this problem is to use an effective and fun method of training, known as circuit or circuit training .

This working method is based on the alternation of aerobic and anaerobic stations without interim stops .


Here is an example of circuit training for Ms Maria that he would like his muscle tone up and lose excess weight, especially in the thighs and buttocks.

Bike 5 minutes
BRIDGE 1 x 20
Crunch 1 x 20
Vertical row 1 x 15
Step 4 minutes
Crunch cat. 1 x 15
Chest press 1 x 15
Synchro 3 minutes
Abductor machine (with the body leaning slightly forward) 1 x 15
Adductor machine 1 x 15
Walking uphill (7-12%) 5 minutes
Lunges Dumbbell

walk in

1 x 24 steps

Recline 4 minutes
Repeat 2 times

Here we have emphasized the need to lose extra pounds accumulated mainly in the thighs and buttocks and we chose the circuit training because, according to some studies , peomuove localized slimming.

This argument is controversial and sees lined up on the one hand the so-called fitness guru experimental and other doctors from the international scientific community, which not yet accepted the definition of "localized slimming " .

What is certain and valid for many years is that there are some hormones that regulate body fat distribution . For example, the cortisol acts primarily in the trunk and abdomen, which favors the accumulation of fat. At the same time cortisol va ad intaccare la massa muscolare degli arti ed in particolare quella delle gambe.

Adottando strategie alimentari particolari ed abbinandole a programmi di allenamento corretti (come il circuit training) è possibile andare a controllare la secrezione di questi ormoni . Per esempio per ridurre i livelli di  cortisolo  occorre:

distribuire il fabbisogno energetico quotidiano in tanti piccoli pasti (5-6)

consumare sempre un'abbondante  colazione

limitare il consumo di  zuccheri e aumentare quello di carboidrati complessi

evitare allenamenti troppo lunghi e/o troppo frequenti

dormire almeno 7-8 ore night (but not too long)

adopt a lifestyle as much as possible oriented welfare aside the stresses of everyday life.
