L ' Happy Hour has become a major event of the "pre- evening," an' opportunity to be together "nibbling" and a drink, waiting to have fun dinner and after dinner . This
rite now glamorous, was born in England with another goal: to draw customers in time after work band between 17 and 18, practicing discount drink. In Italy was adopted changing a bit 'to its original nature combining the historical moment of ' aperitif with the result that, if the first was picking the' appetite , now we get to replace actually dinner. This practice, however, could take us full of calories between alcoholic drinks and snacks that if not kept in check, could turn this pleasant event in a snare for the beautiful and good waist.
The main mistake that is committed to participating in a Happy Hour, is to not consider a meal to all intents and purposes, believing that it is only a snack frugal. To get it right here some tips on how to navigate meats and cheeses, chips and sandwiches, salads, rice and peanuts .
Every time you find yourself in front of the buffet table , before beginning to plunder, remember that the tastiest dishes are usually also the most calories. This gives you an immediate idea of \u200b\u200bthe foods that can be taken and those that are just avoided. If the same food are different versions such as simple salad or mayonnaise , it is obvious that the choice should be without mayonnaise sull'insalata especially since both are filling the same way with the only difference of ' calories . When we have the opportunity to take the pasta and other foods directly from the tray, you should certainly get dressed in flat portions too, so you should avoid "fishing" too far by taking fat that accumulate on fund. Absolutely
to avoid are those snacks from the bar as fries, peanuts and pistachios that the terrible failure to be eaten easily. The problem is that a small portion of these foods is a as excessive caloric intake the chips have 536 calories per 100g, the 602 peanuts and pistachios 601. In this case, along with the calories you take too much salt that is responsible for water retention .
Even the drinks are dangerous because they mislead our sense of what calories do not fill, but make excess calories. To avoid having to choose beverages "old fashioned" such as fruit juice (although it would not be wrong), suggest a simple glass of sparkling wine, prosecco of or Bellini not exceed 80 calories per cup ( trying to limit themselves to a single glass!). In conclusion we can say that resist the temptations of 'Happy Hour is very difficult, but if you do not want to sacrifice or negate previous days of hard training is best not to let it go completely to the pleasures of worldly events.
A wise choice is to choose vegetables because, especially if you eat early, eat their fill and light if they are grilled, raw or pickled as those in oil should be avoided. If one night we
debauchery because we just could not resist, you can make up the remaining light giorno successivo mangiando verdure e molta frutta , che aiutano a compensare la disidratazione provocata dall'alcool e a non aggiungere ulteriori calorie riuscendo perĂ² a saziare. Per conoscere tutti i contenuti calorici dei cibi potete consultare la Tabella delle calorie .
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