Vorrei cercare di aiutare tutte quelle persone che si allenano da diversi anni, diciamo almeno 3 or 4, and for one reason or another, are not entirely satisfied with the results obtained or maybe just do not get them over with the same ease as when they were early in their training with you pesi.Sicuramente will be involved and will also try to consume a quantity of protein adequate growth (at least 2.2 g / kg), and perhaps also protein intake divided into 6 small meals to maintain a constant intake of nutrients , consuming complex carbohydrates also in favor of simple ones (sugars and starches white) is preferred healthy fats, however, probably will not be considered the most important moments che la giornata ci riserva per accrescere l'anabolismo corporeo in modo semplice e naturale.Con qualche piccolo, ma intelligente, accorgimento, nel giro di un paio di mesi noterete guadagni considerevoli in termini di massa muscolare e prestazione sportiva, semplicemente seguendo alcune piccole regole.E' bene ricordare che un atleta che vuole crescere muscolarmente deve consumare almeno 2,2 g di proteine per kg di peso, 4 di carboidrati complessi - eccetto nei momenti specificati in cui sono preferibili gli zuccheri - e 1 grammo di grassi se possibile salutari, tuttavia è FONDAMENTALE che si alleni con una grande costanza ed una grande intensità per usufruire al meglio dei nutrienti che inserisce con la dieta:sarebbe impensabile normal for an athlete, for example one of the many bicyclists on Sunday or an amateur, consume 2 or more grams of protein per pound of weight, 1.5 had already more than enough, while for an athlete who makes the anaerobic activity end of muscle growth his belief, it is essential to supply nutrients to the muscle to really crescere.E 'basic also drink lots of water, even 3-4 liters per day (1 liter per 20 kg body weight) and if possible away from meals, limited to 1-2 glasses during the meal, not to swell and flood the digestion, to keep the body clean and hydrated and your muscles more oxygen-rich nutrienti.Inoltre is important to perform at least 2 sessions weekly aerobics to render the heart efficient and improve performance, as well as harness the benefits of running in raising the good cholesterol HDL and improving the capacity polmonari.Seguendo these simple directions and making the best time of day that the body holds out to us grow, at other times trying to eat healthy foods, complex carbohydrates, proteins and healthy fats, will be much easier to restart the engine of muscle growth even when, after several years of training, it was a bit 'raffreddato.1) Recharge the glycogen stores (muscle and liver) upon waking:
drink a mixture of serum proteins quick release to start the flow of amino acids in muscle catabolism and lock at night, along with about 500 ml of an energy drink zuccherina.ES. wake up, first thing, even before bathing and dressing, if you can, consumed 0.5 g protein / kg (eg 40 g protein if you weigh 80 kg) whey, ie whey, which are now in circulation, thanks to the impetus generated by insulin, anabolic hormone par excellence, which stimulates natural drinking about 500 ml (one bottle) of a high sugar energy drink such as Gatorade or sugar Energade.Al awakening Excess fat cells will not end in bodies as carriers for the genesis of new fatty acids, but the stocks of recharge liver and muscle glycogen . Consumed this initial drink, wash, dress and if you can, about a 'hours after drinking all dine solido.L' ideal would eat scrambled egg whites (1 egg white every 12 kg of weight, if you weigh 80 kg then 6-7 egg whites) with a few slices whole (3-4, one per 20 kg body weight) for a prolonged release of AA in the morning, as the eggs (in this case the egg white) protein sources in the medium-slow fiber rilascio.Le provided by food integrale moduleranno l'assorbimento delle proteine e rallenteranno la digestione garantendovi un afflusso di nutrienti quasi continuo sino al prossimo pasto2) ottimizzare il pre e post allenamento e anche il durante:
nel pre workout è opportuno consumare circa 20 g di proteine di whey (1 g ogni 4 kg di peso) mezz'ora prima di iniziare ad allenarsi, poi subito prima di cambiarsi per la palestra, già nello spogliatoio, assumere una compressa di BCAA da 1 g con ratio 2:1:1 ottimale (come tutti gli integratori moderni di BCAA) ogni 20 kg di peso (esempio se peso 100 kg ne assumerò 5).
Iniziare quindi l'allenamento con un riscaldamento aerobico per muovere a bit ' metabolism and improve the absorption of branched chain amino acids, which play an important role in preserving muscle from catabolism, ie, from using its own amino proteins to generate profits for energy and also carry on the effort when glycogen stores are depleted, which is about 20-25 minutes after starting an intense anaerobic exercise: the muscle BCAA will use the input from the outside while maintaining their training proteine.A half consume 50% of the dose of BCAA taken at ' start (eg if I have taken the top five, they consume another 2.5 to 1 g tablets).
drink a mixture of serum proteins quick release to start the flow of amino acids in muscle catabolism and lock at night, along with about 500 ml of an energy drink zuccherina.ES. wake up, first thing, even before bathing and dressing, if you can, consumed 0.5 g protein / kg (eg 40 g protein if you weigh 80 kg) whey, ie whey, which are now in circulation, thanks to the impetus generated by insulin, anabolic hormone par excellence, which stimulates natural drinking about 500 ml (one bottle) of a high sugar energy drink such as Gatorade or sugar Energade.Al awakening Excess fat cells will not end in bodies as carriers for the genesis of new fatty acids, but the stocks of recharge liver and muscle glycogen . Consumed this initial drink, wash, dress and if you can, about a 'hours after drinking all dine solido.L' ideal would eat scrambled egg whites (1 egg white every 12 kg of weight, if you weigh 80 kg then 6-7 egg whites) with a few slices whole (3-4, one per 20 kg body weight) for a prolonged release of AA in the morning, as the eggs (in this case the egg white) protein sources in the medium-slow fiber rilascio.Le provided by food integrale moduleranno l'assorbimento delle proteine e rallenteranno la digestione garantendovi un afflusso di nutrienti quasi continuo sino al prossimo pasto2) ottimizzare il pre e post allenamento e anche il durante:
nel pre workout è opportuno consumare circa 20 g di proteine di whey (1 g ogni 4 kg di peso) mezz'ora prima di iniziare ad allenarsi, poi subito prima di cambiarsi per la palestra, già nello spogliatoio, assumere una compressa di BCAA da 1 g con ratio 2:1:1 ottimale (come tutti gli integratori moderni di BCAA) ogni 20 kg di peso (esempio se peso 100 kg ne assumerò 5).
Iniziare quindi l'allenamento con un riscaldamento aerobico per muovere a bit ' metabolism and improve the absorption of branched chain amino acids, which play an important role in preserving muscle from catabolism, ie, from using its own amino proteins to generate profits for energy and also carry on the effort when glycogen stores are depleted, which is about 20-25 minutes after starting an intense anaerobic exercise: the muscle BCAA will use the input from the outside while maintaining their training proteine.A half consume 50% of the dose of BCAA taken at ' start (eg if I have taken the top five, they consume another 2.5 to 1 g tablets).
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