Siete perfettamente in regola con il peso forma eppure il ventre non è piatto come lo vorreste?
È il classico problema della pancetta, che rovina il fisico anche delle persone magre e longilinee.
La causa di quest'inestetismo non è, In fact, only ' accumulation of fat but can have different origins, such as hormonal imbalances some intestinal disease, or a little toned abdominal muscles. Some psychosomatic illnesses
may be the cause of the disorder: anxiety such as increased tendency to swallow air (bloating), which leads to bloating.
Finally some bad lifestyle can aggravate the problem. correct habits
• To prevent intestinal disorders that cause swelling, always eat slowly, sitting down, and chewed a lot. Avoid then hurried lunch at the bar or in the workplace. • Pay attention to state of Food and food allergies, which can cause colitis and therefore swelling. • Avoid alcohol the smoking, staying too many hours sitting or standing, and especially to prevent psychosomatic disorders of the intestine keep stress at bay . • Follow a diet of foods that are digested easily, such as pasta and rice, topped with light sauces and raw. • Some vegetables such as onions, lettuce, should not be eliminated from the diet, but try to be careful with the amount consumed and still try to prefer cooked vegetables that are more easily digestible. • Sometimes the bloating may be a result of water retention.
The causes can be hormonal imbalances. • The water retention can also be caused by excess sodium.
The latter problem can be solved with a diet rich in potassium using salt or low-salt and low water content of this mineral. The Green Board
is effective against water retention of the nettle tea. It should be taken regularly throughout the day, along with mineral water rich in potassium and magnesium, but low in sodium. The gym
To prevent the bacon can be useful strengthen the abdominal muscles.
seek to enhance that with specific exercises, and performing exercises your diaphragm making breathing properly and regularly.
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