And like every year resort to last-minute registrations the gym, dieting and unlikely to make the already thriving multimillion-dollar companies miraculous pills and creams.
Result? On the beaches in August, these people will be showcasing little or no results, dissatisfaction with their own forms and more empty wallets.
And every year the same story! How to work around this? The trick is : turning head first and then the body will follow suit. This means che bisogna partire dal modificare alcuni modi – errati – di pensare e di comportarsi: solo così sarà possibile non arrivare alle porte dell’estate con i chili in più, tono muscolare scarso e tanta tanta voglia di avere un corpo nuovo.
Mettersi o rimettersi in forma non deve essere concepito alla stessa stregua di rifarsi il trucco o indossare un abito nuovo, cioè come una facciata da mostrare quando ci si spoglia dei vestiti di città, ma come un modo per restare in salute. E chi vorrebbe godere di buona salute solo per pochi mesi all’anno? Così facendo non si dovrà correre ai ripari dell’ultimo momento, ma si riuscirà a mantenersi in forma per tutto l’arco year. Many people never manage to start a sport or a healthier diet and controlled because they think that they are required undue effort. And indeed, if it is assumed to begin in April and August to show the results on the beach, the efforts - among other useless - will be so many and exhausting to pass to whoever is willing to persevere. Begin, instead, to small steps, without presuming to obtain immediate results by movie stars, will allow anyone to stay healthy all year, not last-minute scramble with tricks and pull off a beach in physique.
And then there's the mentality of " all at once." We are not able to wait and appreciate the little progress, we are no longer able to apply toward achieving a goal that can not be reached tomorrow or next week. We want everything right away. And unfortunately, once again, here we are sadly to assess the results have not materialized at all. But why all this happens? How can we combat this mentality? First, when we formulate a goal, it must have two characteristics: being concrete and be broken . Concrete means that we must place them front of the mirror and from our physical, from what we are prepared to apply sound nutrition and sports. It is not possible, as most do, put us in front of a magazine and set our goal as a famous person who is too different from us by age and body type (bone, height, metabolism, etc.).. Pieces, instead it means that we need to divide our goal in steps smaller and less distant in time, so as not to become discouraged and lose on the road.
And then another summer smash, there are pills, teas and other magic potions sold a bit 'everywhere. Who has not done groped at least once? And what is your experience or that of your friends are really effective? Who has ever met someone whose fitness has been reshaped by these concoctions really? If you learn to read all instructions and the composition of the pills, for example, we discover that it is mostly food supplements containing substances for most normally assume in our power . But there's more: all of these wondrous wonders an indication that reads something like: " adjuvant in low-calorie diets and adequate physical activity . This means that we will help you lose weight in combination with a reduced calorie diet and sport practiced consistently.
So the question is: Since we already know everything, because every year we continue to buy these "slimming"? The answer is less simple and concerns psychological effects that advertising has on us. Beautiful girls, virtually perfect from the body of the goddesses - who have not taken the supplement at all! - Chronological age less than twenty years, happy and admired by men offering performance. This is what gives us the spot: not a slimming, but a status . To be attractive, wanted and happy. And us mere mortals who lead a busy life and routine, we do not find the right time to train, and so that we can not work, run errands, make ends meet later this month to let us take a moment from dream brought in advertising. Yes, we'd also like to be. And then, wallets, buy and buy products and then end up disappointed and dissatisfied.
In many other cases there is then the 'effect delegation. Once you have purchased our prodotto “dimagrante” continuiamo a mangiare come prima e a muoverci meno di prima, delegando, appunto, al magico prodotto tutto il lavoro che c’è da fare. Riteniamo o ci illudiamo, in buona sostanza, che il prodotto da solo possa comunque concederci alcuni risultati. Il sedere scolpito o gli addominali definiti resteranno un miraggio.
Prendere coscienza dei nostri errori, può rappresentare il primo passo verso un acquisto più oculato di taluni prodotti spacciati come miracolosi, ma soprattutto verso un uso più consapevole del nostro corpo .
Nessuno continuerebbe a guidare la propria auto senza mai controllare l’olio o sostituire le gomme. E nemmeno qualcuno si sognerebbe never to introduce premium-grade fuel in diesel car. So why do we continue to treat our body as an enemy, to introduce junk food, do not ever move and give him diet, to submit to grueling training sessions all concentrated in one short period when it would be enough to treat it a bit 'better consistently? Probably married is that we have collected so many failures in the past between diet and fitness that we believe belong to that group of people who do not will never do it. But the truth is that we are not to be missed or not to be among the doomed one day be able to lose weight and be toned: the reality is we have always used the wrong method.
The right approach there is only one:
1. constancy : apply throughout the year from now and beyond the summer-
2. patience : quick results are a chimera, and do not last long. Never!
3. convinced that it is not a "special case " all of us without exception have the right credentials to do it;
4. moderation : overdoing it in sports fatigued only the muscles in disgrace. Overdo feeding (crash dieting, single-issue, too bland) are losing only liquids and good humor;
5. wanting best: do it for yourself and for your health and not how you look in the other two weeks of leave. You will see that you automatically will be established in new and unexpected behavior.
So roll up your sleeves and do not demoralizzatevi: if you had started last year rather than give up, how would you be today?
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