We find below the news from the BBC and I translate it as it is. Just saying that's how it works: Federations that make up mean that teachers and staff of the clubs undertake that work on teenagers. The rest follows and must be managed, but only if there exists only the first stadio.Aggiungiamo which, incidentally, Scotland has recently jumped from ninth to seventh place in the world ranking. Meditate people meditate ... The Scottish rugby players rejoice over the increase in Scottish Rugby (the Federation) announced that he had exceeded the target it had set to increase by more than 50% the number of practitioners - two years ahead of the deadline . It attributes this success to the stable growth of practitioners of rugby played in state schools. "We have specifically pointed to the early years of secondary schools, classes S1 - S3 (from 11/12 to 14/15 years ndt) - the years when the behaviors are formed, "says nota.Oggi 25.000 shall be declared under-18 players taking part in regular tournaments, rugby, compared with 15,000 four years ago. The number of schools in which they practice regularly rugby has risen from 184 in 2008 to more than 240 in 2010.Secondo the governing body of rugby in Scotland, these numbers indicate the success of a strategy that rewards and offers support to those school teachers who offer their time to promote extra-curriculum activities (*) rugby and a network connecting more than 75 leaders of youth rugby in club.Nel 2006, Scottish Rugby had set a target to increase practitioners from 24.500 to 38.000 by 2012 and, in anticipation the annual meeting next Saturday, was made public that had already been reached 38.500 this year. The head of community rugby Colin Thomson Federation, himself a former teacher of PE (physical education) said: "This growth recent remains fragile and should be supported, now serves up to five years to become practitioners adults is that children continue to have the opportunity to play rugby every passing year. "" If we want to bring the 2014 Commonwealth Games in Glasgow we should be equally serious about the practice of our sport in state schools (the middle and high schools, ndt) - because if we do not play there, we will not go anywhere. "" It 's important che sia offerta a tutti i giovani la possibilità di frequentare sport extra-curriculum (*) e nei club durante tutti i loro anni scolastici"."Per fare ciò, ci serve più supporto e riconoscimento tangibile agli insegnanti che gestiscono lo sport dopo l'orario scolastico, per edificare una cultura sana e attiva in tutte le scuole".
(*): le attività extra - curriculum sono corsi in campi estranei alle materie di studio, eseguiti fuori dagli orari standard ma organizzati dalla scuola e proposti agli studenti, che vi aderiscono su base volontaria.
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